Red Rooted Fate

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"Jojo...?" Speedwagon quietly called out to the boy, who was standing a small distance from Z73, who was almost right in front of the Pillar man.

The officer did hear him however. "S-So you're Jojo?" He put his hand down from his head, done cradling it after Joseph ripped out his hair. "Listen up Jojo, and that goes for you too little girl. Santana, the Pillar man, uses the mask to turn men into vampires. He makes them stronger so he can eat them!"

He stomped his foot down, standing tall and proud. "He's a grave threat! He must be destroyed!"

Jospeh understood, and dropped the rest of his stolen jacket. When he went to walk forward, Z73's hand went up and halted him, keeping Joseph away.

The action made the Pillar man look at her, and she stared right back at him. Slowly, she moved ever closer to Santana, sticking her left metal hand up just as slowly.

"Girl, be careful! He's dangerous!" Speedwagon shouted out to warn her, but she didn't stop her advance for his words.

The entire time, Santana was staring at her with her boring back with equal intensity, all until she stood right in front of the Pillar man, her hand outstretched in front of her.

"So, is that your name, or the one they gave you? If it truly is your name, then it's quite a coincidence that we both share the name of a wind current." She had a friendly shine in her eyes, but Santana didn't flinch.

'It seems he truly doesn't have much care for what I'm doing.'

The Pillar man stared at her, but blinked and looked at another part of the room, going past her and past Joseph. Thinking like an idiot, he tried to trip him and use Hamon to do so as well, but Santana's foot snapped around and bent past Joseph's leg, tearing the pants as it did.

"Woah! That...was the strangest sensation." He looked at his leg, seeing it revealed to air and how tingly it felt.

Santana paid no attention to the other people in the room, going over to one of the guns a soldier dropped upon his death. He picked it up and looked it over, examining it. "This is new to me...what is this tool?"

Speedwagon seemed terrified about this fact. "He spoke! He truly understands speech! He's mastered our language perfectly!"

While Santana looked over the gun, he heard footsteps approaching him. "It's called a gun Santana, specifically a Maschinenpistole 38, shortened to MP38."

The other three men watched as Z73 grabbed the gun in Santana's hands, gently tugging as she did so. It seemed that Santana realized what she was doing, and let go as she took it and started to disassemble the gun so he can see the different parts.


"There. Here is the weapon fully taken apart." In front of her laid the separated pieces of the gun, which Santana looked over with a curious gaze.

"I see..."

"Hey! Why are you talking all of a sudden now?!" Joseph marched over to them, scaring both the officer and Speedwagon.

He started to poke at Santana, who's face began to grow narrower as he got irritated. Z73 was watching this, her red eyes quickly falling to his chest after she saw something moving around under there.

'What the...?'

"You're beginning to irritate me, primitive."

Suddenly, his ribs exploded from his back, bending backwards towards Joseph who was taken aback by the sudden attack. He breathed and charged his arms with Hamon, blocking the strike, but seemingly struggling heavily to do so.

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