For The Greatest Mother

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This follows the continuity of The Waves Don't Forget so expect certain aspects to carry over from that story when we get to this point.

In a bedroom, we firstly meet someone who is fast asleep, snoring softly as the sun slowly rises and shines through their window, eventually hitting their eyes. Slowly, they started to stir and move around in bed, before opening their eyes and looking around the room.

"Mmh..." They slowly got up and out of bed, stretching and yawning before resting on the bedside to let their body catch up to their brain.

They looked to the clock on the bedside, seeing it read 8:32 AM, and the calendar next to it read May 7th, which was yesterday.


"Wait..." They checked the current day, and their eyes widened as they quickly got dressed, wearing their black uniform and quickly putting on their hat, leaving behind the cape that rested on the stand as she had no reason to wear it here.

She ran out of her room and down the hall, her noise making the girls in the rooms next to her also stir as she ran down the stairs of her home. She heard noises coming from the kitchen, and she quickly peaked into it and saw the person she was looking for.


"Hm?" The person turned, revealing Kurfürst prepping eggs and toast, with bacon on the side being cooked over the stove.

"Bismarck? Its still too early to eat sweety, so go wake your sisters." Kurfürst gave her a smile, one that always warmed her heart.

But Bismarck didn't do that, and instead ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Happy Mother's Day mama!"

"Ah~, so that's what this is about." She chuckled as she picked up the girl, giving her a kiss to the forehead before setting her down at the table. "I guess you don't need to go wake the others up anyway, your stomping did that for you."


Kurfürst pointed to the stairs, where the other children she had were walking down to the table. "Good morning girls."

"Morning mama." Zeppelin, as usual, greeted her quite calmly. The smile on her face didn't lie to her though.

Kurfürst looked through the group, seeing two missing. "I'm guessing Nimi is with Spee right now?"

"Yes, so I brought these two down." Zeppelin had walked down with Roon and Eugen, who both were still silent, but that made sense.

Bismarck and Zeppelin were both 5, and it seems that their cubes gave them the knowledge of speech at this point. Z23 was 4, and she could speak, but seemed to not be able to pronounce certain words properly.

Eugen was 3 and Roon was 2, with Roon able to walk on her own and say some words, but she was still getting better at it. Eugen was better off, but was still quiet and spoke only briefly whenever she did.

"Come sit at the table then girls, food will be done soon." Kurfürst turned back to the cooking meal, turning the bacon and frying the other side before going to butter the toast and salt the eggs.

Another pair of footsteps came down the stairs. "Aight, she's good now!" In Z23's arms, Spee was just looking around at the others, before her eyes settled on Kurfürst.

Spee was 1 year old, and as normal as a human infant at this point, barring the fact she understood everyone yet was unable to respond back. Z23 held her in her arms, carrying her a bit poorly as she struggled to lift the girl into the high chair with her still little strength and small size.

Kurfürst put the food down and picked up Spee from Z23's grip. "I'll put her in, just sit down Nimi."

"M'kay." The little girl did just that, while Kurfürst put Spee in a high table next to where she would sit.

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