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Kalypso: I'll boost you!

Iowa: Of course!

Kalypso raised her Greatsword above her head and laid it on its side, which Iowa used as a springboard to launch herself up towards Ophis. Kalypso stayed on the ground and ran towards her flank while she had to deal with Iowa.

This was their strategy. Confuse the Dragon's defenses with random and multi directional attacks to hopefully get her caught off guard. With Iowa being able to nearly match the dragon as she was now, the two of them were doing good work on Ophis' barriers.

Iowa struck down from above, her black lightning covering the shield yet never touching Ophis.

Iowa: Now!

Kalypso charged up a large wave of black flames, and she spun around to build the momentum for the swing. When she released it, it flew at high speeds towards the barrier and slammed into the black lightning still coating it.

The reaction of the two elements exploded on the barrier, and Iowa used the shockwave as a blowback to get away from the Dragon.

Ophis was actually furrowing her brow, having to, for the first time in a very long time, put genuine effort into a battle.

Ophis: Intriguing...

The land around them was already burnt to ash, the Faction Leaders knew that the Fallen Angels would need to wipe the memories of many humans when this was over. Until then though, all they could do was keep the already fluctuating barrier up to keep out any poor humans and keep in the violence.

Back to the fight, Ophis decided to finally get her own attacks in, and she took in a deep breath that put off all the warning bells in Iowa's head.

Iowa: Kalypso! Get over here now!

They rushed to each other as Ophis let out a massive torrent of purplish black flames that burned even the stone that it never touched. Iowa formed a portal in front of them that absorbed the flames as they passed, keeping the two safe from harm.


Zatouji: Hm? What is-

A wave of purple flames came out and hit him dead on. When the rush ended, he stood there covered in soot.

Zatouji:...Well that was quite grand, but maybe next time I should be told beforehand

The two were safe from the attack, and so Iowa dropped the portal.

Kalypso: Damn, that fire was serious

Iowa: It was a very hot flame...can yours match it?

Kalypso: Nope, I don't think they can

Iowa looked forward again and stared at Ophis, who's mouth was smoking from the flames. She held up her glaive and shattered the energy blade at the end, before putting it back on the sword and reattaching them back into the Swordspear.

Iowa: All of our attacks bounce off her, so we need to get her off balance and strike her deep with this

Kalypso: And how will that work out exactly?

Iowa: I don't care how tough your scales or skin is, a spear can pierce if it has the power, and this Swordspear has more than enough to pierce even stone...that's our ticket


Kalypso smirked and held out her sword, covering it in black flames.

Kalypso: Works for me!

With her now longer and deadlier blade, she slashed at Ophis' conjured snakes, slicing them in half and destroying them as they came into range. Iowa was moving to the side to get ready for a pincer attack, while Kalypso was getting into position.

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