Courage that Conquers

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Kalypso stood apart from Pele, who had flames covering her hands and lava dripping down from her hair. Even though she didn't bring forth her Greatsword yet, Kalypso was still smiling at the Goddess quite literally burning in silent fury.

Kalypso: Well, I don't know much about you Pele, but I'm sure there is still several Gods that make up your pantheon that are waiting at the shores, right?


Kalypso: No response hm? Then that means one of two things; either I'm right, and the poor soldiers I sent after us are going to be in trouble...or you went rouge

She dashed backwards as a stream of lava shot up from the ocean where she once was.

Kalypso: Looks like I was right

Pele: We have been put under nose for too long. So me and my accomplice are planning to make Hawai'i known across the world!

Kalypso: Good idea, if it didn't involve my target of destruction

Black flames cloaked her hands as she summoned her Greatsword. With a flick, the flames that covered it blew away and revealed it's shining and pristine metal.

Kalypso: This is a poor decision on your part Pele, so I'll give you one chance to back down befo-

She was cut off as a geyser erupted under her, hitting her full force as Pele smiled at catching her off guard.


Kalypso: Guess that answers that

To Pele's surprise, Kalypso was perfectly fine. She pinched out a flame on a loose strand of hair before looking at Pele with an empty glare.

Kalypso: Have it your way, I was giving you an easy way out

She appeared in front of Pele, who barely had anytime to block the attack with lava as a cushion. Even with that, she was sent flying by the force of the blow, and was kicked harshly in the back before she could recover.

She groaned in pain as she fell to her knees. Using her moment of weakness, however, she turned her hands behind her and used the fire on them to create an explosion. She was able to move away and...still didn't damage Kalypso.

Kalypso: Neat trick, now it's my turn

She dipped her blade in the water, using the black flames to bubble the water and boil it. Soon enough she ran at Pele while still keeping the blade under the water.

Pele reached out to blast her with lava, but Kalypso tore the blade out of the water and launched steam into Pele's face, blinding her from Kalypso.

Kalypso: Now the pain!

While she was blinded. Kalypso winded up and slammed the flat end of her Greatsword into her head, hitting her temple and sending her flying out to the Ocean. Pele stayed on the water's surface for a while, having been dazed from the impact.

Kalypso slowly walked over to Pele, standing in front of the Goddess as she stumbled and struggled to regain her footing. Soon enough Kalypso grew bored, so she grabbed her arm and stood her up herself, as Pele wobbled on her feet.

Kalypso: Come on Pete, you're an important god are you not?

Pele: P-Pele...not Pete!

Kalypso didn't care, and she slammed her fist into Pele's jaw, sending the God to the water again.

Kalypso: Alright Penny, since you won't give up the Siphon, I'll pry it from your broken fingers.

Pele: W-wai-

A foot met her stomach, emptying her lungs of air as Kalypso continued to stomp on Pele's stomach. She soon switched targets to her chest, stomping on it until she heard several cracks of bones from the Goddess.

Needless to say, Pele was in agony, but Kalypso wanted to make sure she won't interfere with her and Iowa's mission, so she had to truly cripple her for a while.

Kalypso: Sorry about this Pele, but the world at large is more important than you

She dismissed her blade and sat on top of Pele's bruised and beaten stomach. Pele tried to raise her arms to her face to guard, but it was no use under Kalypso's monstrous strength.

First a single fist hit her cheek, then a second, then a third as Kalypso beat Pele into submission. Even when the woman's mouth grew crooked, she still punched away until you could barely even tell that this woman was a mighty God, and not a woman who was beaten senseless.

Kalypso: Lastly, one more thing and I'll set you loose. Apologies for what I'm about to do

Pele groaned as she felt her face go numb from the pain, but the agony soon grew into fear as she felt two things.

One of which was Kalypso's hands around her thighs. The second was a foot on her stomach.

Before she could even try to protest, the sickening sound of flesh tearing filled the air, and soon after that Pele's screams followed.

Kalypso tore her leg off, but she was still only halfway done and had to do the same for the other.

Kalypso: least I know Iowa ain't going to Hell alone now

She dusted her hands off and dried them on a nearby leaf. Kalypso sighed as she left the scene, with a bloody and unconscious mess behind her.

She dragged Pele to shore and left her near the lava flows, since that would be her natural home and, most likely, a way to heal when she wakes.

Kalypso: Now then, I don't have the locator, but Iowa does. She should have found it by now, so all I need to do is track her

She closed her eyes and felt out to where Iowa was currently at. For some reason, she felt her under the water, which she found confusing.

Kalypso: Didn't she say she would know if it's underwater?

Sailing back out to the water and over where she felt Iowa's presence, she looked down into the sea and found nothing but the ocean floor.

Kalypso: Strange, is there a cave entrance nearby or something?

She went into thought about where she could have been, but was thrown out of it as she was launched into the sky by collision of a strange object.

Kalypso: WHAT THE FUCK?!

She landed with a big splash in the water, and when she came to her senses, she had a man wearing what looked like a literal flower skirt on top of her.

?: Oww...I don't think I can't take her without you Pele, I need your help!

Kalypso: I ain't Pele!

The man opened his eyes, and saw a woman who looked like the person he's been fighting.

?: Oh! I'm sorry!

Kalypso: Get off of me dammit!

He was scrambling to get up, but in doing so, he signed his own death warrant.





Iowa: Alright, where did you go you little...shit...


Kalypso: Iowa

Iowa: Yes?

Kalypso: Can I join in?

Iowa: Of course

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