Titans Clash on the Rising Sun

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Oath of Enma

Fool had collapsed to the floor, missing her chance to reach though and grab her one ticket to finally realizing her life's work. She didn't even bother attempting to stand, staying on her hands and knees, staring into nothingness as her mind registered all that had happened.

Kurfürst stood some distance behind her, her Halberd reappearing in her hand as she took a deep breath to steady her nerves for what she had just done to herself. Locked in this world with a no doubt angry Arbiter that easily overpowered her in the first place...

'These odds aren't favorable...but I have to go through with it now. No second chances.'

"You..." Fool stood to her feet, looking over her shoulder with the most furious expression she's had yet. "Kurfürst...you ruined EVERYTHING!!"

The German couldn't even get a smile out before feeling a sharp, stinging pain hit her cheek. Her feet left the ground, and she felt as if she was hit by a shell.

Fool was on top of her instantly, even when Kurfürst was still flying down the corridor from how hard she was hit. There was white hot rage burning on the Arbiter's face, and she was more than keen to take it all out on Kurfürst.

"So much planning, so much thought and work, and you blew my only chance!" With a spin, her tail slammed into Kurfürst's side, denting the armor and sending her straight through a window, launching her out to open air, far from the ground below.

Kurfürst felt like her jaw was almost snapped right off her body from the first punch, and the tail to her side forced her breath right out, yet she couldn't hope to get a moment to recover before the Arbiter was on her again. She tightened the grip on her Halberd, her Rigging sparking to life as Fool appeared in front of her again.

One of the massive sharks opened it's jaws, the heavy cannon hidden inside firing point blank at Fool. The Arbiter either didn't care, or didn't react, as the shell hit her dead on and completely smashed in on itself, causing no harm.

"I respected you, and even now, I honor your sacrifice. Yet...with what you did to cause it, it only pissed me off!" Her hand went to the side, grabbing the lower jaw of the shark that shot her.

As soon as she touched it, from that spot, the entire thing fell apart, fading into nonexistence until it was completely gone from her rigging. Her other shark opened wide, lunging forward to bite down on the Arbiter instead.

Again, it proved worthless as she caught the jaws and pried it open further, taking a breath before blowing a stream of white flames into it's maw that melted it from within. With added measure, she tore the top and bottom jaws off, leaving the shark entirely broken and melting away.

Kurfürst's rigging was destroyed.

"Dammit!" The woman wasn't able to move in the air like Fool could, and braced as Fool's leg raised above her head.

"Now you'll suffer for that!" Slamming her heel down, she rocketed Kurfürst towards the city below, the woman even starting to catch a flame from both the height and velocity of the hit, like she was returning from Orbit.

In the town below, she slammed hard into one of the streets, destroying a large part of the surrounding area, and sending anything that wasn't bolted down, even vehicles, sprawling away from the impact zone. Kurfürst was caught deep in the ground, but slowly managed to pull herself from it before being ripped straight out by Fool.

The taller Arbiter dangled her off the floor, her other hand extending it's claws to skewer the German. Driving them forward, her hand was stopped in its tracks, bone white claws meeting the blackened steel of a Halberd.

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