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Gears of War 2: Armored Prayer

As usual, gunfire rained from somewhere nearby, a sound that many have grown far to use too during these times. A squad of locust, with one shock trooper using a beast with two massive legs and powerful jaws, a Bloodmount, firing on a target ahead of them in the vast forest on the borders of the Jacinto Plateau.

Unfortunately, the target was still moving forward, and an unlucky Locust was sawed in half from an attack by them. Heavy stomps echoed around them, and their fire redirected before two more were ripped in half from a massive beast.

Cornered by these two enemies, their gunfire and grenades were sent all around, doing nothing to either due to one's very resistant hide, and the other's armor plating and strength. More and more Locust fell, one by decapitation, another through being bitten in half, yet another thrown by the armored one into the beast's tail, dying on impact.

The Bloodmount rider roared in anger, and charged the armored figure while firing his gun, a Hammerburst. His beast jumped into a fallen log and lunged out, it's jaws poised to stab and maim the target in front of them.

This was not to be, for now both of them were vulnerable to attack due to their position. The Bloodmount came down on them, but the Halberd's spear tip was planted forward, going into it's jaws and stabbing though it's mouth, piercing through and settling deep in it's head, killing it instantly.

The rider was flung from his deceased mount, but he wasn't deterred, and jumped to his feet with his gun held high. A low grumble, however, did shake his bones, and before he could turn to see what he really hoped wasn't there, it all went black, his torso being severed due to a massive bite ripping him in half.


"Good job Eduard, you're growing stronger each day." Kurfürst placed a foot on the dead beast, pulling and ripping the Halberd from it's body with a fleshy rip and stream of blood.

The Brumak bellowed, lowering his head to feast on the carcasses of the Locust. His head had a very prominent color to it, being yellow so that Kurfürst would recognize him if she met another Brumak.

She walked up to him and scratched his lowered neck as he feasted, hearing more purrs just like when he was younger. She loved that he never fully grew up into a wild beast, and even picked up some tricks thanks to her efforts.

"Ngh!" She stopped and put a hand to her head, holding it as a headache rushed in before swiftly leaving her again. Eduard stopped eating briefly, hearing her grunt of pain and whining lightly. "I'm fine boy...I'm fine..."

His head nudged her lightly before he went back to eating, Kurfürst sitting down and looking at the towering beast of muscle and strength that was a fully grown Brumak. She sighed at that fact, knowing it had been months since she was taken to this world, and she still had no lead on the Siphon or even a whiff of it's whereabouts.

She was beginning to feel hopeless on it, but she knew she had to keep searching for it, if not for her than for the others of this world. While the Locust were already a threat beyond most she had seen, they were nothing compared to the overwhelming power of the Sirens, and she doesn't want to even think about this "Goddess" figure.

'No, no matter what, I must destroy this Siphon. I have Biological immortality as a Shipgirl, so I have no worries about a time limit barring what Dreamweaver said...even then, I should have no issues.' Her will resolved, she looked over to her ally, seeing him gobble down a few small bushes full of berries after the Locust corpses.

Turns out Brumaks were omnivorous, who knew?

When he finished, he raised his head high and sniffed through the trees, looking towards the West while growling. Kurfürst knew that his eyesight was lackluster, since Brumaks grew up in the caves, so his smell and hearing were stronger to match up for that, so she trusted his instincts.

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