Deep Thoughts (18+)

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So! I'm back after an extended few days of nothing, and that all comes down to two main things:

Last week was a shitfest of schoolwork.


With that, accept this chapter as a nice way to come back, as both a small necessary chapter for world building and thoughts...but as something else as well~


Akagi was picking her nails. "That's why you never accept a fight request from a Kitsune with a katana, hope you learned a lesson today Yaeger."

His only response was a groan, and that was all he really could do as he laid tired as hell on the ground while Akagi sat on his back. She utterly humiliated him during their bout, and it was just displaying dominance over the boy by using him as a chair.

Of course, Mikasa didn't take to kindly to it and tried to threaten her to get off, which stopped pretty quick once several glowing blue swords appeared around her and aimed at her throat.

"So Eren, you got the rage out of your system?"

The boy groaned from under her. " can you get off of me?!"

She stood up, lifting the boy to his feet as she did and dusting both him and herself off. "There. Now Eren, we have an important mission coming up soon, so you have to be on your A-game and not muck it up...are we clear?"

"Wait, since when did we have a mission?"

She pointed to her ears, flicking them as she did. "I heard them speaking about it. Now let's go Eren, it's nearly lunch time and it's my turn to cook."


Akagi's ear flicked again, and her eyes darted to the trees. She heard rustling from the treetops, but with how light it was...

"Is something wrong?"

"...No Eren, there isn't."

Once inside, Akagi split off from Eren, entering the kitchen and taking out several vegetables and bread loafs that she was going to use to make dinner for them all. Sadly, they had no meat, which really confused Akagi as to how some of them got as big as they did without all the important vitamins in meat based foods.

'Actually...what says we offer a nice meal for today?'

(Yamato)"I'm down."

(Strength)"Can we help prepare the food?!"

'Sure...let's go hunt a moose.'

She drew the Yamato, putting her energy into the blade and slicing the air in a cross section. Small blue lines opened up in the air that tore open a portal in front of her, one that would take her home.

"It's been months since we've been home...I hope the time dilation isn't to extreme compared to here."

She sheathed her weapon and walked through, immediately hit with cool air as she exited in the forests of Northern Canada. Moose were aplenty in these regions, so it was much easier to go somewhere with little to no human activity for this.

She closed her eyes and focused on her hearing, Yamato appearing next to her and doing the same. It was very quiet around them, but still they waited.



Their eyes shot open, and a Mirage blade was both summoned and shot immediately to the west. When they both looked, a Moose, probably ten kilometers away, was stabbed through the lungs by the blade.

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