The New Generation

328 11 6

The Wicked

"Aurora Arbiter? You're pretty full of yourself aren't you Purifier?"

"Depurator, my name is Depura-"

"I don't give a shit what your name is!" Sun yelled with such hatred that her nearby sister, Death, jumped back from the yell. "I don't care if you become some sort of God or not, all I wanna see is your fucking guts coating my knife!"

Depurator sighed, smiling as she curled her hands into a claw like stance. The stance was unusual, even as Fool herself watched her closely. 'It a Panther's claws if you squint hard enough...'

She smiled, her heart getting lighter and lighter. 'Magician...maybe it'll truly come to pass. After so long, our goal might finally see it's end.'

"Come on Sun." Depurator beckoned her forward. "Lets put your words to the test here, shall we?"

With a roar of rage, Sun shot at Depurator, fire pushing her forward like a rocket towards the woman she despised. Depurator smirked, shifting her foot to the side...



Sun's eyes shot open, as she now saw no one in front of her. "W-Wha—"


She seized up, immediately hurling up her stomach's contents as she found what happened. Depurator ducked down under her, rising up with a "claw" aimed at her stomach.

Catching the falling Arbiter, she hugged her from behind, falling backwards and smashing her into the ground with a suplex. She slowly stood up, smirking to the other three, who were all staring bug eyed.

"So...who's next?"

Justice looked to Temperance, who looked back. "...I'm not a fighter."

"Well I'm not either!"

"I'll go!" They snapped to Death, who skipped forward, smiling all carefree before stopping a little ahead of Depurator.

"'re Death XIII?" She looked down at the Arbiter, so far the first one she met that was shorter than her new height. Even then, she could tell this one was at least an inch taller than Akagi.

"Yep! Now I'm not much of a fighter myself, but I do have a neat trick!"

Depurator quickly backed away, feeling a dark pressure building on the girl. "And that is?"

Death soon dropped her smile, her happy demeanor shifting as quickly as her expression. A black mist gathered around her, quickly building up as it oozed from her body.

"I control Death...what else would it be?"

She pointed forward, and a tendril of the mist shot out towards Depurator, who quickly jumped out of the way. The tendril hit the floor, the grass dying upon contact as it shot up toward her again.

Depurator's look soured, as she started flying to avoid the death miasma. Looping all around and flying out and about didn't seem to help, it was always hot on her tail.

"You won't be escaping it that easy!" She looked to Death, who was watching her like a hawk from the safety of her Miasma cloud.

She stopped in the air, titling her head as the thin stream shot past her, killing some of her hair strands as it did. "Then I just have to do something better."

She dropped to the floor, the Miasma already shot around and behind her ready to kill her. Depurator literally stared Death in the eyes, who was giving her a small smile in return, before it fell to confusion as Depurator did the same.

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