The Sun

196 14 16

Receive You the Madtype


The first thing we see is least, the parts of her not buried in the ground. She pulled herself out and shook the loose dirt off, before looking back to the fight itself.

Even though they just started this, she got kicked to the curb, literally, as the two behemoths clashed. Kurfürst towered over the Arbiter, but it seems Sun was having little issue combating against Kurfürst's strength.

"Hold still!" Kurfürst swung her Halberd to slice her in half, Sun quickly moving back to avoid the hit before stepping in and spinning, landing a heavy kick to Kurfürst's chest.

The battleship slid back, yet still held strong on her feet...before another foot met her face. This time she fell to the floor, Sun standing on her face while yawning.

"Come on, is this really all you two have to show? Man, I was hoping to have some fun..."

Hearing a sound, she smiled as she ducked down, grabbing the leg of Purifier, who flew in with a kick, slamming her into the ground and tossing her away again. Kicking up the halberd from Kurfürst's currently weakened grip, she jumped off her and kicked the thing off towards Purifier.

"She hits like a truck..." Wiping off the last of the dirt on her face, she near screamed as she barely managed to move away from the Halberd that was now lodged in the ground where her head use to be.

A shadow was cast over her, and when she looked up, she saw Sun and her bright blue eyes staring her down.





"AAAHHHH!!" Purifier screamed and threw a sloppy fist, easily caught by Sun as she, yet again, threw her over her shoulder and into the ground.

"Yahahahaha! You sound like such a pussy!" Sun plucked Purifier from the ground, dangling her there while the Siren was still stunned from the forceful planting.

Her leg raised up, ready to kick her before being cut off by a fist slamming into her face. Dropping Purifier, she slammed into the pommel of the Halberd before whoever threw the punch hit her again and rebounded her off it once more.

Kurfürst let her drop down and grabbed at her Halberd, ripping it from the ground before kicking the Arbiter away from the two of them. She was a monster of a combatant that's for sure, able to match her and still be as swift and unrelenting as she was.

While still being airborne, Sun righted herself and slid across the concrete, her smile getting wider. " this is exactly what I wanted!"

Kurfürst charged her, Sun responding by doing the same with wild confidence and a harsh smile. Kurfürst knew she needed a different approach to this slippery target, so she elected to make such a thing happen.

Aiming her Halberd tip forward, she charged and attempted to skewer Sun, obviously not working as she twirled out of the way with a smile. Although, with the twist of her foot, Kurfürst spun around herself, her halberd whipping through the air with the built up momentum towards Sun's neck.

"Woah!" She ducked under the strike, barely missing the following attack of Kurfürst's kick. "You've gotten aggressive haven't you?"

"You're a slippery one, so I'm responding in kind." She spun her Halberd and leapt into the air, the Halberd soon glowing blue as she did something she hasn't done before.

'Enterprise and the others all seem to power their weapons with their cubes energy. I have never attempted such a thing...but now would be the best time to do so!'

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