The Lawyer Kitsune

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"So you wanna try a tougher pair or...?"


"Okay, I guess I'll just walk with you guys if you want. You can keep the guns to my back if it helps you feel safer."

She casually waved her hand at the soldiers behind her, who were holding their guns with shaky hands as Akagi simply stared at the two officers in front of her.

On the ground was several pairs of metal cuffs, each of which she shattered easily whenever they put them on her.


What? You want a rundown of why this is happening?


Okay, might as well give a quick crash corse.

She went back to the wall, she ran up the side and landed next to the soldiers up top, she was witnessed doing all the insane shit she usually does, and thus they arrested her.

Oh, and they saw her ears, but that was just the cherry on top of it all.

With that quick explanation done, we return to the present where Akagi was just walking calmly and orderly while the soldiers guarding her...more like needlessly walking with her...shook in there boots and occasionally took glances back at her, only seeing her stone cold face staring ahead.

It was unnerving yes, but did Akagi care at all? Do you genuinely think she cares about superstitious idiots?


'I might a little, but not much at all'

Eventually, they reached the gate at the other end of the city, where several more officers were alerted to the situation and stood at the ready to receive her. The funniest thing is that among the officers, Akagi spotted a familiar face that she never thought she'd see again.

She smiled as she looked at him. "Well well well... I do believe we've met before haven't we sir?"

"Hm? What do you...wait a minute..." He walked closer to her, much to the fear of the others around them.

He was nearly face to face with Akagi, staring into her red eyes as she stared back.

"You're...that woman I conscripted"

*smiles*"On the dot sir"

"Hmph, first day on the job and you're already causing trouble then?"

Akagi scoffed, crossing her arms under her chest, drawing the eyes of many of the young men around. "What can I say? It's in my blood"

The officer smiled, almost as if remembering older days, where he and his buds use to do the very same thing.

"Now before you get locked up and put on trial, probably a heavily biased one at that. Why not let me say my name to you?"

One of the soldiers stepped up in effort to protect him. "S-sir, aren't you afraid she can put a curse on you?"

"If she could, she would have already. Now then, the name's Richard Hemmwick soldier, remember that, and I pray that you can get through that trial untouched"

Akagi rolled her eyes, but it was obviously for play. "What's so bad about court?"

"Hah! That alone is funny enough..."

He turned and walked inside the gate, most likely to prepare transport to get Akagi to the interior so she can arrive at her trial. With such an important event that can be the death of her...

'Okay, that's bullshit. You all know that ain't happening'


'Shutting up now!'

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