Siphonous Setting

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It was a surprisingly soft landing, and the Hydra lowered itself to allow the two off. Skorge hopped off the side, with Kurfürst quickly following as she looked at the massive cavern surrounding them.

The two were on a landing platform behind a large and ornate palace, and she already knew who laid inside. "Seems this is the place correct?"

"Indeed Kurfürst, this is the core of the Nexus, the Queen's palace"

Of course, the building was still a ways away, and they had to walk down the long path from the landing strip to get to it. She walked silently with Skorge, who waved off the guards and led the two of them onwards.

'This isn't the first time I met with royalty, but it certainly is the biggest one. To meet the Queen of an entire species...'

The walkway was coming to an end, and just ahead was the behind of the palace. There were two smaller doorways on the sides of the terrace, and Skorge walked through one with her following behind.

It was merely a few more steps before she saw a warm orange glow in the next room, and she took a deep breath and took the hat off her head, dispelling it into cubes. Finally, she and Skorge walked into the room, and on the large throne...sat the Queen.

"Kurfü are the first Human to step foot here."

She...certainly wasn't what she was expecting. The Queen was a human, a human!

Clearly, she must have seen how Kurfürst was caught on her features. "Surprised?"

She blinked a few times, shaking her head. "I'm afraid to admit I am. I never thought the leader of the Locust would be...human."

"I have more tied to the Locust then I ever did to humans. I am locust in all but body." She stretched out her arms, showing her armored wear that was clearly meant for regality and not battle.

"I can see that. But, before anything else..." Kurfürst soon found her way to the front of the Queen, standing on the lowest part of the floor and bowing her head down. "An honor your meet you."

The Queen smiled. "You have your manners truly in line Kurfürst, I wonder why that is so?"

"Well, a woman of my time would understand, what with lords and Kaisers still roaming about." She looked up to the Queen with her own little smirk, lightening the mood before the inevitable fall of it.

"I would know nothing of this practice, but the gesture is appreciated nonetheless."


"So...I can assume what this meeting is for, correct?"

The Queen's smile fell. "Yes, it is as you are thinking."

She stood from her throne, doing that only to accentuate herself. "Kurfürst, Skorge here has told me of your exploits in our world. From your first appearance during the siege of Ephyra, to your extended stint in the wilderness with a hand raised Brumak, and all the way to now."

"So you kept tabs on me then, is that it?"

"Yes, but my interest in you only peaked after you killed RAAM."

Kurfürst put a hand to her waist, feeling RAAM's Troika gun hanging there as she said his name. Skorge also eyed the gun, his fists tightening as he remembered the day his battle brother died to her hands.

"However, that is of the past, and I wish to ask you this in person Kurfürst."

The Queen then took a few steps forward, going down from her elevated position and to Kurfürst, forced to look up to meet her gaze. "I, Queen Myrrah, am asking of you to lend your strength, your power, and assist us in destroying the Lambent threat."

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