Meadow of the Magic Maiden

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It was quiet...


Incredibly so...

Purifier stood across from Goddess, who was staring out of a window, down at the city below in the dark of night. The entire place was lit up and still as active as ever, truly a city that never sleeps.

Goddess' hand went to the glass, laying gently upon it's surface. "Do you ever wonder how things could have been if it went only a little differently Simon?"

"...First off, how the hell do you even know my name?"

"I've done my research on you. Your little sister helped immensely with that."

It was like a switch flipped, as Purifier spun Goddess around, floating up to reach her face and giving her the meanest glare possible. "I swear, if a single hair on her head is out of place..."

The Arbiter didn't flinch from her intimidation, gently pushing her away. "She is completely fine, no harm had been done to her."

She brushed her shoulders off, before looking back to Purifier. "Now, will you answer my query?"

"...No, I usually don't worry about the past any longer. What happened, happened."

"I wish I could say we are the same then." She looked out the window one more time, before turning away and continuing down the corridor. "Please follow me."

"Not like I can do anything else..." She jogged up next to Goddess, having to take quicker and longer strides to keep up with the much taller woman's pace.

As they travelled down the hall together, Purifier couldn't help but worry more and more about what was happening. She was walking, well within grabbing range, with the woman she has been tasked to kill, who is also a goddamn Dragon.

She was sure that she was stronger than her, so if things got ugly, Purifier knew she didn't have much options to use. Her thoughts took a backseat though, as they approached a very large door, one that drew one thought to her mind.

"This is the throne room, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is, did the door give it away?"


Goddess chuckled and waved her hand at the door, the massive thing opening without a single squeak or groan of the material. Inside was exactly what Purifier expected, a large room, ornate architecture, and a throne in the middle where Goddess must have sat down upon.

What she didn't expect however, was the thing next to the throne. "Is that...a Wisdom Cube?"

"It is, and it's the cube of my eldest sister, Magician."

"....I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"

"It's the cube of my el-"

"I wasn't being serious!" Purifier groaned and rubbed her forehead. "So you're just displaying your sister's heart..."

"Technically yes, but she's still alive and well."


The look of confusion must have been clear on Purifier's face, as Goddess just smiled down at her. "I locked away her powers, restricting her to her cube and lowering her power to keep her in stasis."


"Do you truly think that I would just kill my sister like that?"


Stepping into the room, she soon made her way to the throne, resting on it as she beckoned Purifier forward. Once within a few meters, her hand raised to stop, and so she did without question.

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