The Votes Are In!

569 33 31

The numbers ticked down, and so we're onto three people this time!

Purifier: I was first!

Iowa: And I was second

Now that you all have voted for a few days, I will have to come to a conclusion. Specifically, I would like to mention what I said the first time around.

The voting was going to last for several more days, as what I was planning already. The problem is that one of the choices was voted so positively compared to the others, that there was truly no point to continue onwards in the voting.

With that, we have our other contenders here.

Kurfürst: Nice to be here again, though I'm curious to know who won

Z73: Yeah, who's the one who won the ballet this time?



Akagi: Just go ahead...I didn't win anyways, as usual

Well...onto the vote count.

The winner is...


Akagi: H-huh?

Kurfürst: Congratulations Akagi! You won!

Z73: Good game you vulpine

Akagi: I-I won...I won?!

That's right, you won Akagi!


Iowa: Well isn't she excited...

Purifier: Let her have this, she isn't anywhere near as popular as the rest of us, she needs her moment to shine

Iowa:'re right


Save that for later Akagi, I'm sure none of those who voted for you will survive your bear hugs right now.

Akagi: Oh...right...still happy though!

Anyways, something you want to say?

Akagi: Of course! But first, I'm gonna summon my Siren Tails!

Wait, you can bring those in separately?

Akagi: Yep! Just had no reason to do it


Akagi: So, I need to say something cool huh? Well I don't got much to say so that's a problem...whatever!

Akagi: I don't need to say anything cool when you all know I already am

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Akagi: I don't need to say anything cool when you all know I already am..

Besides, why let your enemies know of their fate when they won't be alive to remember it, hm?

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