My Kingdom for a Fox

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"I have to say, that was a simple yet effective proposal there Commander."

Akagi was walking alongside Erwin, who was staring ahead as he led them both through the city. He turned to her after she spoke to him, giving her a small nod as his only response.

She looked around at the fancier city that was further in the Wall. "To think this place had actual class...I never thought I'd see the day."

"Don't get your hopes up, this is all for the rich and wealthy. You'd have to be incredibly lucky to become the owner of a house here." Akagi took in that information well, gazing around the two as he finished his explanation.

She saw many things in the place, but the main thing that caught her eyes was the food, the fair...and the fucking stares!

'I swear, it ONE of these bastards touch me, I'll show the Geneva Suggestion another form of inhumanity!'

(Temperance)"Aggressive...please calm yourself Akagi, no need to be so terrifying to them."

'Says you.'

"Setogaya? Are you well?"

She turned to Erwin, nodding but giving no further response. With her ears folded down, they were both able to glide through the sector quickly and easily, up until they got to the wall bordering Wall Maria's zone.

"It's a long way back to the Old Scout Headquarters Setogaya, so buckle in for a long ride." He told her, as she was standing next to him and looking out to the rolling green hills that once contained thousands of people.


"Yes, we have decided to move operations to this HQ, as it was the original for the Scouts, back when we only had ideals and passion. There is where we both store and contain all important documents and reports, as well as reserve equipment, for the Scouts."

Akagi hummed, and looked back towards him. "But why are we heading there? Is there a reason to do so?"

"Mostly to keep you under wraps and to study your abilities. Squad Leader Hange and Captain Levi will be there with you, as well as some of the recruits that have been selected from the new batch, just like you."

Akagi cupped her chin, letting her ears pop up and tilting one down, making her look confused.

"If that's the case...what are the parameters of selection?"

Erwin had to resist the urge to touch them, as curiosity was deeply rooted in him. "'s by choice of the captains."


"If that's the case..."

Akagi walked in front of him, looking a bit upwards to stare him in the eyes. There was a glint in her eyes, calculating and suspicious.

"I wish to request Eren Yaeger to come with as well."

"Any particular reason for this decision Setogaya?"

"Yes. I saved the boy from the Colossal Titan, and I found some things out those several days ago, as I fought and slaughtered the Titans."

The wind picked up a bit, reflexively making Erwin cover his eyes. When he brought them back down, to his surprise, Setogaya was no longer in front of him.

"Titans have smells sir."

He snapped around, seeing Setogaya now on the other side of the wall peak and looking into town. "H-how did you-"


She turned around to him, no smile nor expression of glee painted her visage. She looked ready to kill, or to lead, of which Erwin couldn't find any difference.

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