Make Your Choice(Closed)

639 22 50

Iowa: Hello to all you out there. Today, your favorite Abyss Queen demands you answer a question she has!

Kalypso: What she's trying to say is that she wants you to pick from something

Iowa: Ahem!...I ask of you all to chose from the list that Sharkus generously handed me below, for who you wish to see next!

Kalypso: Shouldn't you technically be calling him fath-

Iowa: You finish that sentence and Ophis' rage will be the least of your concerns


Iowa: Anyways, where was I...right! While my adventures in this new world aren't close to done yet, the narrowing of people available will mean a longer ballet will need to be held. So expect these voting to come in earlier and earlier from now on


Iowa: And please, place them on the person you wish to vote for. Each time that doesn't happen makes it just a bit more complicated than it needs to be and we don't want that for Sharkus-

Kalypso: Fa-

Iowa: please attach your choice to the person and not just any random comment. With that out of the way, here's the list!


Z73 (Goes to JoJo: Part 2)

Kurfürst (Goes to Gears of War)

Akagi (Goes to Attack on Titan)

Iowa: I shall leave you all to it, now I take my leave, for my story is still quite a bit from over. Goodbye for now, my faithful followers!

Kalypso: See ya peeps!

This is something I added after the fact, the Discord is blowing up in cheers for Akagi...I'm thinking she might win cause she doesn't need to compete with the big 2 now.

Who knows though? That's up to you!

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