The Locusts' Final Stand

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Battle for the Dream - Skorge vs. Kurfürst

A massive shockwave blasted out, shattering the window that loomed above the now empty throne. The core of that blast was none other than Kurfürst and Skorge, who both pulled their heads away from their clash and smashed them back together.

They kept repeating this motion, head butting the opposing person with crashes that echoed out into the caverns from the openings. Each side giving no quarter as they fought with all they had in them.

The amount of raw power surging through the two of them was near incomprehensible, and the two simply threw everything they had at the other...a battle of two titans if you will.

Kurfürst grit her teeth, and with a roar, she slammed her forehead with twice the force, finally making Skorge stagger and giving her the edge. Another ferocious head butt sent him reeling, and the loud crack of a fist hitting his cheek met the room.

Skorge was sent to the floor, but rolled out of the way of Kurfürst's stomp, which broke the floor underneath it. Now back on his feet, he stepped closer and engaged her in close combat.

Each punch or swipe he threw was either blocked or ducked, but the same could be said for anything Kurfürst threw at him. Neither could score a solid hit against the other.

After enough of that back and forth, both threw a punch, the fists sailing through the air towards the other's face...and both impacted. Kurfürst and Skorge staggered back, fighting themselves to continue against the other.

Unfortunately for Kurfürst, Skorge was the first to recover, and he charged forward and grabbed her around the waist, attempting to pick her up. She wasn't having that happen, and slammed a fist down onto his back.

He didn't falter, and she was getting loose on her footing. She growled, and kept punching his back over and over as she continued to slide back towards the massive door.

"Let...go!" With one last cry, she slammed a fist down and finally loosened his grip, where she grabbed him by the neck and hurled him at the door, slamming him hard into it.

Skorge shook his head and opened his eyes to see Kurfürst, but the only thing he saw coming his way was her extending foot, going into a full kick.


Skorge yelled out in pain as he was thrown through the massive doors, rolling out into a massive hallway that could easily fit even a Brumak or Corpser inside, Kurfürst stepped through the now opened doors, eyes locked firmly on Skorge as he stood to his feet.

"Come on Skorge, this is your final chance at victory isn't it? COME AT ME WITH YOUR BEST!!"

He was definitely more invigorated, and screamed the infamous cry of the Kantus' before rushing at her with his full power. She widened her stance, readying herself for whatever he was doing.

She saw him going for another grab, and her smirk grew as she shifted her footwork a small bit. He slammed into her again, earning a grunt from the woman as he tried to knock her down, putting far more power into it than last time.

It wasn't to be, as Kurfürst hugged him around the waist, squeezing tight and yanking him up and off her stomach. She lifted him up, before dropping him down on his back in a powerful slam.

She grabbed his legs, spinning around and throwing him far down the hallway, leaving plenty of room between the two. With the space, she got a good look at the hallway, and noticed several things.

'Pressure plates...' She stepped on one, and a barrier, likely for bullet cover, popped up.

A smile came to her face, just as another roar of rage came out from the rapidly approaching Skorge. She turned to face him, only being met with a crashing headbutt that knocked her to the floor.

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