Return From Retirement

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Hipper: Come on...come on...



Hipper: FUCK!!

She threw herself back onto the bed and let out a tired groan. This is the seventeenth time she died to this boss, and it wasn't getting any easier.

Hipper: This is bullshit...Eugen, want to kill it for me?

Eugen looked up from her phone.

Eugen: Really? You're going to me for help?



Eugen sighed and took the controller from Hipper's outstretched hand. She sat down next to her sister and stepped into the boss arena.

Hipper: Don't worry about those, I lost them all already

Eugen: Alright then, that's one less thing to worry about

She looked over to Hipper.

Eugen: I've played the other games before this, so it shouldn't be hard


Eugen: FUCK!!

She threw herself back onto the bed and let out a tired groan.

Hipper: Thirty two times...thirty two damn times!

Eugen: Why is he so damn tough?!


?: What's with all the screaming in there? Are you two alright?

Eugen: Oh, Uhh...Yeah! We're just frustrated!

?: With what?

Hipper: We're playing a game and this boss keeps killing us over and over, and we're getting angry!

The door opened as the person who was speaking stepped into the room. Her smile helped settle the two cruisers and the drinks in her hand certainly looked refreshing.

 Her smile helped settle the two cruisers and the drinks in her hand certainly looked refreshing

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Großer Kurfürst

Spear of the High Seas Fleet

(Best Mom-by her Children)

Kurfürst: If it's really that much trouble, why are you going through it?

Eugen:...Actually, why ARE you trying to beat him? He's optional

Hipper: I want to be the best, so I have to beat all the bosses!

Kurfürst looked at the screen, seeing the boss in question since Eugen had entered the arena.

Kurfürst: A champion huh?

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