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Awaken - Pillar Men Theme

"You impudent girl!" Kars looked pissed that she yanked the stone away from him, but what she did next came as a shock to them all, even Kars.

She leapt off the edge, and tackled Kars into a free fall.


"You are brave, if foolish!"

She glared up into the Pillar man's eyes. "Like I give a damn! We'll both survive this, then it'll be you and me!"

175 meters to the bottom!

5 seconds till impact!

Kars, not in the position to use his Bone Blades, brings them back into his body and opts to punch her off. Z73 catches his fist and pulls it, bringing his head down towards her where she headbutt him.

4 seconds

She pulls her legs up and kicked off the wall, dragging Kars across the way and slamming him into the opposite wall, tearing his back up.

"If you think this is enough to kill me, you're mistaken!"

3 seconds

He knee'd her in the chest, breaking her hold on him as he grabbed her head and slammed a fist into her cheek.

2 seconds

"Your death will be a swift one at least Sirocco!" He aimed her down towards the ground, intent on using both Gravity and his body weight to kill her.

1 second

She smirked up at him, before grabbing his arm, and as if by magic, rotating both of them and putting Kars on the lower end.


They slammed into the ground, a huge cloud of snow picked up that blew away quick as Z73 flipped away from where Kars landed. "Come on then Kars, I'm itching to get back at you Pillars for what Esidisi did to me."

Kars was laid out on the floor, but stood up quickly and seemingly without injury. "Sirocco, you're as slippery as you are annoying."

"Good, I intend to be." She smirked at him, her red eyes reflecting his own.

"Well, if you're so eager to meet your death, who am I to stop you?" On his arms, his Brilliant Bone Blades shot out and sparkled, quickly filling the valley passage with light. "I'll slice you in two Sirocco!"

Her smirk never left as she put on her mask, raising her left arm up in front of her as a guard. "Bring it then Kars! I'll tear your Bone Blades right out of you!"

Kars' eyes sharpened as he brought his arms to his sides and ran forward, with Z73 doing the same. In a bright flash of sparks, Kars' Bone Blades and Z73's Metal arm clashed in the center.

She was ready to tear him apart.

"Sirocco! She's alive down there!"

Caesar and Joseph were looking over the edge, with Messina dragging along Stroheim so he could see as well. Down below, they heard the clashing of metal as sparks flew around down there, and the constant shine of Kars' blades gave them enough light to see the two fighting.

"She's taking him on face to face, and she's not backing down!"

"Yes, but unlike with Esidisi, she has the disadvantage here. Her body is tough, but against someone like Kars, that won't matter." Lisa Lisa gave her commentary as Joseph was deeply invested in the fight.

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