Ancient Town, Ancient Beast

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It was quiet in the warehouse, and with it being so late at night, there's bound to be criminal activity somewhere close.

Luckily, or unluckily, just such a thing was happening.

?: Can't believe Roman went and got captured like that

?2: Can't believe? Did you see the aftermath? There was just one body and even then they knew there was supposed to be more

The girl who originally spoke was shorter than the man next to her, with darker skin and pale green hair.

Her name is Emerald Sustrai

The man was pretty standard looking, but the sound of his footsteps seemed a bit heavy for most people.

He is Mercury Black

The two were simply waiting in the warehouse, passing time with discussion about the busted Crime lord and his suddenly missing White Fang crew. The worst thing about it was how he described the attacker though.

Emerald: You remember what he said right? In the police report?

Mercury: It seems like an exaggeration to me, but it should help

Emerald: Yeah right, like his crazy rambling would actually amount to something

?: In fact, it did

They turned to the voice, and they saw two glowing amber eyes making way towards them.

?: 'A short yet powerful figure. Eyes glowing like the sun but infinitely colder. A machine that fires lasers far more powerful than any tech I saw in Atlas'

She stepped into the moonlight, revealing a smug smile.

?: That kind of power is something we could definitely use

Mercury: The only problem is how to acquire it. She doesn't seem to be taken down easily

?: Leave that to me, no one is invincible, and that girl will be no different

Emerald: Well...whatever you say Cinder

Ruby: Do you really have to go?!

Ruby was once again clinging to the slightly shorter woman, who was still unfazed by the embrace.

Purifier: Yep, but don't worry about a thing! Glynda has all my notes for the next few weeks and she'll take over my class until I get back

She gripped Ruby's cloak and took her off, hearing an audible pop when she did.

Purifier: Besides, this trip to Mistral will only be until I find my quarry, or if I don't, I'll still come back

Ruby: Nooo~

She sighed and threw Ruby to Yang, who caught her and kept her from running back to Purifier.

Purifier: Well kids, I'm off. Jaune, keep up the good work and practice more. Phyrra, keep him in line

They both nodded, then she turned to Ren and Nora.

Purifier: Nora...lay off the pancakes

Nora: NEVER!!

Purifier: I shoulda expected that...

She finally looked over to team RWBY as her rigging manifested, with her floating into the air.

Purifier: And you girls...wake up earlier, will you?

She didn't stay for a response, and quickly flew off at high speeds to the East, flying dead towards Mistral and the continent of Anima. The distance was surprisingly small, so the trip shouldn't take more than a few hours overall.

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