Towards Journey's End

271 17 11

Nay! The Honor is All Ours

I'll tell you, I was hype writing with this, so I hope you are too listening to this.

It was time

Several pairs of feet walked side by side, onwards towards the portal to their destination. Their final destination before they can return home: Heroes to all, known by none.

Her eyes were steeled for the fight, her insanity wrangled tight as a spring and ready to be unleashed should they truly need it. Her long hair was kept up well, flapping in the air from the portal ahead.

Her rigging was primed for combat, and she was ready to face down her foes with a smile on her face. Nothing would dare to stand in her way, be it Sirens or otherwise, for it would mean a fight against an unpredictable foe.

Purifier was ready for war.

Her boots up to her jacket were weathered and worn, but no less capable and iconic as they once were when she was fresh to the fold. Her mask sat comfortably and firmly to her face, crimson eyes bearing at the portal.

She cracked her neck, flapping her silver hair and flexing her mechanical arms, each one primed and filled with the energy of the Spin, and more than capable of rending even the mighty perfect lifeform to shreds.

Z73 was ready for war.

Her imposing yet caring figure stood head and shoulders beyond the rest, her values and principles the highest and most honorable of them all. Truly a knight of the modern age, one that had stood the test of time unlike any other and braved the worst that mankind alone couldn't.

Each obsidian shaded plate shined in perfect condition, more than able to stop the most ferocious blows of her enemies. Her halberd as sharp as ever, a symbol of the first of the Shipgirls to always carry onwards into battle and forever more.

Großer Kurfürst was ready for war.

Her golden eyes, once the image of fear and the unknown, have now become what they were long ago, the eyes that bare on to defend the people she was made to protect. Her long, immaculate dress flapping gently in the wind of the other world, her gaze narrowed on as she smiled.

In her hand was her Swordspear, a weapon that she has mastered, while in her other glowed a purple crystal meant for the use of throwing, sharper than any knife and straighter than any bullet.

Iowa was ready for war.

Her garb cleaned well, her gloves kept fine, and her eyes always sharp. Her ears able to pick up the slightest sound as her gaze made sure no opponent could ever leave her effective range, no matter how close or far.

The sword laid at her hip able to rend even the seams of time apart, the one at her back with the power to battle against foes of any size or power to a standstill, then to a defeat. Her guns always ready to be drawn, her mirage blades always at her beck and call for support or attack, truly a hunter that cannot be bested.

Akagi is ready for war.

The five together, despite their differences, all ready to take the battle they have been fighting so long to the home front of their enemy, and fight them on the soil they call theirs. Each one with a smile on their face, knowing they were heading towards a foe that they knew nothing about, a possible death being nonexistent to them.

They will see this fight to it's end, and nothing is going to stop them in that ideal.

"You all ready?" Purifier looked to her compatriots, personally leading the charge against those who are her own.

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