The Twins of Terror

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Receive and Turn You

Flipping down the stairs, Purifier barely was able to react to Sun's attack, ducking her head as the knife passed right where it once was. Backing away, Sun laughed and spun her knife, taunting her with a smirk.

"This is gonna be fun!"


Stepping down the stairs and joining up with her sister, Moon rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck, readying herself for the fight. She looked to Sun, who looked back and gave her a nod, one that she returned with a smile.

"I hope you all survive long enough to make this interesting."


"Everyone, get ready to move like no tomorrow..." Purifier backed up to the others, keeping Sun in her sight while Moon looked between everyone else.

"We aren't having a stand-off here, we're here to kick ass! So come here Puri!" Sun rushed forward, aiming to stab Purifier who managed to move away just in time.

She jumped away from the rest, Sun following after while the others tried assisting. Moon however, stood between them and the two. "You will be facing me."

"All of us against you?" Akagi smiled, drawing Yamato. "I don't see this being fair."


The fox's eyes popped out of her head, as she felt herself leave the floor. Moon left her fist impaled in her gut, pulling her chin up and looking at her. "I assure you, it isn't."

Reaching behind her, she grabbed Z73's outstretched fist, pulling her in and slamming her and Akagi together. Her gauntlet like hands went up above her head, blocking the strikes from Iowa and Kurfürst's weapons before she pushed them back.

Back with the other two, Sun was keeping Purifier on her toes, each swipe of her knife coming dangerously close to her skin. "Come on Puri, start hitting back!"

Dodging a low blow strike to her stomach, Purifier grunted as a response and weaved past another hit, punching Sun in the liver. While it didn't do much, it left Sun open for a moment.

She flew around her and grabbed her head, flying up and slamming her into the ceiling before being kicked off and grabbed by Sun's legs. She pulled herself from the ceiling, that battle hungry grin still there as she let them both drop, pinning Purifier under her.

"This is gonna be the best part!" With the knife raised high, Sun stabbed down on Purifier, who got her head out of the way from the stab with a little of her cheek getting hit, blood staining the blade.

Ripping the blade out, she slashed Purifier's cheek once more, cutting in deep and making the Siren cry out in pain. Before she could get another stab in, Purifier's rigging came to the assist, biting Sun and pulling her off her.

"Damn rust bucket!" Her arm was caught in Mako's mouth, so she pried his jaw open, and continued to pull it wider and wider, until it snapped clean off.

"Mako!" Sun looked and saw Purifier charging her, coming to her rigging's assistance. With a smile, she spun her knife into a reverse grip, and when Purifier went to kick her, she stabbed into her leg, slicing the appendage clean off.

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