Devil's Left, God's Right

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God, if silence could speak, it would be screaming right now with what our girls are caught in right now. Each one was watching Devil's back like hawks, and the Arbiter still seemed so calm and normal despite it all.

She had already taken her pipe out to smoke it again, and as they walked, she would puff on it now and then, breaking the quiet of their footsteps whenever she did. Even when they caught glimpses of her face, there wasn't a single thing they could read, and so, they could only continue walking.

Yet again, she drew a breath on the pipe, letting another smoke cloud float to the air.

" said to walk and talk right?"

Devil looked over her shoulder, seeing Purifier looking up and meeting her gaze. She responded only with a nod.

"Then when exactly are we going to talk?"

"Oh come on, can't a gal enjoy some good stuff in her final moments?"


"Excuse me?" Z73, silent usually, piped up and answered for all of them.

Devil sighed and turned around, still toting the lit pipe. "I'm not an idiot, and I know that once we're done with this little "walk" of ours, my life is going to end. I once thought that maybe, just maybe, your ending of Moon was blind luck, that you only just barely managed to take her out...then I saw you all in person."

Her eyes first fell to Akagi. "A monster of a Siren living under the skin of a Fox."

Iowa. "A being that holds power untold and unbarred."

Z73. "An assassin who could kill me before I could blink."

Kurfürst. "An immovable wall that would sooner turn me to dust before I did anything to her."

Then... "And you..."

Purifier was dead in her sights again. "'re nothing special, at least, at face value."


"Mhm." She took another puff. "Just by looking at you, you would think you're just another Purifier unit. But, I didn't want to stop at that, and did all I could to feel out your presence, cause something just screamed...wrong."

They fell into silence for a few moments, before Devil turned around again. "What I terrified me."

"W-Wait, what did you see?"

Devil didn't answer Purifier, who stomped up to the Arbiter and grabbed her arm, forcing her to look at her. "What was it?!"


A single finger was pressed to her head, gently moving her off of Devil's arm. "You're too loud for me when I'm sober, so can you quiet down?"

She grit her teeth, ready to try and again and get the answers out of Devil, until she felt stuck in place, as if she was dunked into honey. Using her eyes to look around, she saw nothing around with herself, only that she was stuck in place and unable to even speak.

"Your presence Purifier, is terrifying because of how different it is to the norm. Most Purifier's barely even come close to what you've become, and from what I can tell, you're going to go even further once your meeting with my sister is said and done."

"Meeting with your sister? Do you mea-"

"That's right." Devil rudely cut off Iowa, turning to the rest of them. "She's getting an express trip straight to the top, and then we can have a nice and lovely moment of brutality, sound good?"

"Like hell it does." Z73's chest slowly began glowing gold, the Spin powering her body.

Devil gave a grim smile. "I knew it would come to this...but, before anything happens."

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