Make Your Choice(Closed)

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I'm sure it's no surprise that Purifier's Arc is closing soon, what with her destroying the Siphon and now only staying for the Festival.

Anyways, since that's coming up and will probably be done within a few weeks, I'm posting this now to give time for choices to be made and time to collect the ballets.

As the same as the previous one, PLEASE put your answer on the person of your choice. It organizes it and makes my job easier for when the ballet comes and will honestly just save me a headache.



Z73 (Goes to JoJo: Part 2)

Kurfürst (Goes to Gears of War)

Iowa (Goes to Highschool DXD)

Akagi (Goes to Attack on Titan)

As before, make your decision, for I will be waiting.

Purifier: I will too! Until then, I'll be hanging out with the other main characters in the diner

Purifier, why did you go out and give away that kind of information?

Purifier: What? It's already made another appearance in Eugen's story so why not just reveal it?

God...fine, go ahead and enjoy the diner. For those out there, it's where the universes converge and lets them all interact far easier.

Till then.

Purifier: See ya everybody!

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