Presentation and Ascension

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"There! Those doors!"


Kicking open the massive gate, Kurfürst was the first to step into the room, followed quickly by the other three. Both she and Z73 were lightly ragged in breath, having ran like that for as long as they had while the other two seemed unaffected...mostly Iowa since she just flew.

'This is it...this is the Throne room.' Her gaze went to the ceiling above, noting how high above the floor it stretched and seemingly curved all into a single point, which meant one of two things: This room was either built that way intentionally, or...

'We're at the very top of the Palace...'

"Ah, the esteemed guests have arrived." Her attention fell onto the opposite end of the room, where a woman was sat on the very throne this room was named for.

Even from here they could all note her appearance, and between them all, only one word matched up to what they saw of her, that being "Dangerous". She was covered in white scales, with almost equally white skin, with large horns and massive feathery wings, she truly didn't look Human or even Siren at all.

There was no doubt, this is "Goddess".

Akagi took a step forward, bowing her head down. "It's a pleasure to be seeing you, your highness."

"Oh? I never would have thought you would be so polite in this scenario."

Akagi looked back up, flashing a smile. "It never hurts to be. Besides, it's not like we're trying to kill each other yet."

Goddess chuckled. "I like you already Akagi. Now, what brings you four lovely trespassers to me and my sisters' home?"

"I believe that answer should be rather clear already." Iowa stepped up, holding her Swordspear tightly while glaring at the Draconic Siren.

Of course she knew why they were there, they never should have been here if she didn't want it to happen. Goddess stood from her Throne, giving them all a small smile.

"Yes, the answer is obvious Lady Iowa. Before we continue though, I'm sure you're questioning what has happened to your companion?"

Kurfürst nodded, the most resolute about the little Siren's well-being. Goddess noted the expression on the battle hardened warrior, and she knew the source of it. "Kurfürst...what drives you forward with Purifier?"


"Your eyes tell me what you think of the little Siren. You see her as another member of your family already, don't you?"

"..." She was quiet, taking a deep breath as the others waited for her answer, especially for one as strange as this was. A Shipgirl adopting a Siren putting, to say the least for most of them, save for Akagi, who could relate somewhat.

"Well? I'm sure we all want answers Miss Kurfürst."


Goddess nodded. "Indeed, I'm sure you already know this from what I've seen, but you're somewhat of a celebrity in this place. Your valiant and honorable actions that I have viewed from a bird's eye boded over well with the public, making you into a textbook superhero for most out there."

"Oh...t-thank you, I suppose?" Getting praise from the woman she's meant to be enemies with was...odd. Was this how all those she complimented felt back during the war?

Goddess once again nodded, her spiked hair bobbing between her horns. "You're welcome. To be truthful with you, I view you as quite the role model, and I genuinely think that you Kurfürst, are one of the purest examples of both a fearsome foe, and a great ally."

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