One's True Colors

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Pledge of Demon - Full-Powered Kurfürst theme

'To think, after all this time, I would be having fun like this...' Kurfürst was staring down the horde of Locust, all ill-equipped to fight her and her monstrous power.

Such a massive disadvantage...and she could only feel her heart race faster and faster. She chuckled, realizing what she thought against for quite sometime.

'Was that black cube truly a way to make me a monster, or just simply awaken what I truly was? I am a Shipgirl, something meant to fight and kill.'

Her body grew hotter, as she began to shake in murderous anticipation. 'Perhaps Skorge was right, I am a Demon, masking as a Hero to the people I protect...but...'

The first bullet flew, and she caught it in her teeth, spitting it away right after. 'What better protector is there than a Demon?!'

Her smile threatened to break her face, as she narrowed her eyes. "Come then Locust warriors, show me your courage in the face of certain death!"

On her declaration, she was pelted with innumerable bullet fire, but she remained unfazed by any of it. The Halberd and Troika long abandoned, as she decided to settle this as any Demon would.

The bullet storm clouded their vision of her, and only when they started to see red fly through the air, did they notice she was no longer in their sights. Rather, she had her hands dug deep into the throat of a Drone, and with a tear, she ripped his head from his body, blood flying everywhere before she kicked the corpse elsewhere.

The drone next to her reeved his chainsaw, swinging it down on her as her eyes tracked the chains of the blade, rather then the drone itself. Her jaw opened, and she caught the blade by the teeth, jamming and breaking the Lancer as a result.

She ripped away, taking the chain and teeth of the saw with. Her eyes gained a deadly glint, and she took the chains to the very locust who attacked her, overwhelming him and wrapping the chains around his neck.

"Don't worry, you'll only feel it for a few seconds." She grabbed the loose end of the chain, and pulled with all her might. The result was the drone's neck slicing deep down, leaving half of what was once around it.

Then, she began to giggle, one that sent shivers down the spines of the drones around her as she grabbed both ends of the chain, pulling it tight. Her giggles grew louder, as her eyes shrunk down in her bloodthirsty rampage. "So...who's next to die?"

The drones began to back away, some of their weapons shaking as she slowly stepped closer to them, the viscera on the chain falling off as she swung it around lazily. She still had that insane and murderous look to her eyes, but she looked to be completely in control of it, rather then becoming a rampaging monster.

"You know, I came to a startling conclusion when I killed your comrade here." The chain stopped swinging, but she kept walking forward. "I killed a lot of things in life. But I always felt so stony and cold when it happened...I hated it."

Every time she took a step forward, the drones would all collectively take on back. "But here, I'm feeling conflicted. Skorge told me I am naught but a Demon right? If so...does being a Demon really mean what I thought it did?"

Her eyes fell to the chain, before she brought it up to her face, looking at the loose bits of flesh still dangling there. "This is, it's more than words can even describe. Gone are my morals in the face of my enemy, and I can simply"

She quietly giggled again, and held the chain up with both hands once more, still holding it in front of her face. "And I'm loving every second of it!"

Her tongue came forward, wrapping around a loose bit of flesh before pulling it free, swallowing it right after. "Now...I can become what I truly was meant to be! I am a machine of war, one that sees you as an obstacle only fit to crush!"

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