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What you're about to witness is my first take into a practice I hope will become common in my works soon enough, but it is my first time doing this, so I'm not sure how it'll turn out.

I'm probably going to start moving forward doing this, so get use to it cause it'll become a staple of my works

With this little change I decided to bring everyone's favorite Arbiter as the Test Subject! So there's more time now for you to know her and see her.


It was silent, as it always was during this time of day. The roads down below were settling from the day and afternoon's buzz, and the many pale skinned women began to indulge in the nighttime activities available to all.

From up in the grand palace of the Origins, Goddess sat and stared out of the window. "Look at all the fun they're having down there..."

The cube glowed, which Goddess looked at out of the corner of her eye.

"Yes, they are enjoying their lives down there. After a long day of work, it's always nice to enjoy yourself with a nice cup of coffee and chatting with friends" She picked up the cube in her hand, showing it out the window and letting Magician see the outside world.

The cube glowed softly, as if Magician was looking at them happily.

Goddess also had a smile on her face, leaning on the window. "Yes, I agree. No matter the viewpoint or beliefs, you and I can't help but smile as we see the people we rule live happy and healthy lives"


"Actually...I feel we should have a gorgeous night together, just as we have in the past. Before this treacherous game of politics and multi-universal conquest."

The cube didn't respond for a few seconds, before it dimly glowed, which Goddess nodded too.

She took the cube away from the window, setting her down in her casing. "Very well. I'll have Priestess watch over things for now...that girl sleeps too much."

She opened a rift to where she knew High Priestess was sleeping, and immediately frowned once she saw the woman still fast asleep even though she should be working. Goddess raised her hands up near her face, before clapping as loud as she could, startling High Priestess awake.

"Hmm? Little sis-"

"Enough with your sleeping High Priestess, you've done it long enough." She had her hands on her hips and was looking down on High Priestess with a disappointed stare a mother would envy.

The girl yawned, not affected by the stare at all. "You know I can't help it, the future is tiring to see."

"I'm going to have a night on the town, so I need you to keep watch. Can you do that for me?"

"Of cou-"

"Without falling asleep?"

High Priestess went silent, and Goddess just sighed knowing the girl was hopeless.

"I'll be back later tonight, if I find you asleep I'm confiscating your pillow, understood?"

High Priestess did a small salute, giving Goddess a smile. "Of course sister, I'll keep an eye out."

Goddess now had a smile on her face, the disappointment gone. "Good, report anything suspicious you find to me immediately."

With that, she closed the rift, leaving High Priestess to process everything she was just told. It took a few seconds, but eventually she felt her eyes nearly pop out of her head as she's realized what Goddess said.

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