Major Mayhem

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For those who know the game with the same name of the title, you a real one

"Hey Caesar, is it just me or does Sirocco seem more..."

"Aggressive? Furious?"

"I was going to say moody, but those work too."

The two boys were having a casual yet quiet conversation about Z73, who was looking out the window with blood red eyes. Joseph has seen her enough to know that those eyes only appear when she's begging to break bones and spill blood.

After their battle with Esidisi, they took Z73 inside, healing her wounds with Hamon before Lisa Lisa gently applied a Hamon stream to her head. Turns out that the entire time that Esidisi was in control of her, she was conscious, and sat as a helpless observer to the whole thing.

After using that Hamon trick to extract the memories of where the package is heading, they woke her up. Needless to say, Lisa Lisa was quite terrified when she saw the girl's usual purple eyes quickly turn a deep crimson, burning with hatred and anger.

Now they were all readying themselves for a trip to Saint Moritz, Switzerland, where the package adorning Lisa Lisa's crest, and thus the Red Stone, is headed.

"Lisa Lisa, everything is ready right?" Joseph walked up to the woman, who was looking over the small amount of essentials they were bringing, such as coats for the cold weather up in some of the Swiss regions. "Everything is in order, the last thing needed is Sirocco, and she's...brooding."

She looked over to the docks, taking Joseph's eyes to that spot too. Standing on the end and staring towards where Air Suplena island was, Z73 had her back facing them, and her hair was flapping lightly in the wind as she kept her arms cross and gripped tightly.

Joseph decided to talk to her, for the first time since she was Esidisi's puppet. "Hey, feeling alright?"

"Just fine Jojo, my wounds are healed if that's your concern." Her voice didn't seem much different, but he could feel the weight of each one.

She was pissed.

"Look, I get that was an event that you hated with all your heart, but we need to stay focused on this."

She turned slightly and gave him a side eye with her glowing red eye. "Jojo, I'm calm enough to not be an irrational beast. But I don't care what you say, or what they the end of this journey, I'll have someone's body tied to the back of my ship..." She bared her teeth and clenched her hands, the groaning of metal from her left arm echoing out.


She took a pause, before turning to him. "That is confidential information Joseph, wouldn't want you to end up like those Scientists I've murdered right?"

He quickly shook his head, which made her chuckle before she walked past him. "Let's go, that stone isn't retrieving itself."

"H-Hey! Don't take my seat!"

"Your seat is probably covered in sweat anyways, you smell like a wet dog!"


The group was now on the road, traveling through the Italian countryside as they sped their way up to intercept the train in Switzerland. The car wasn't the biggest, and they had barely any space for the people, let alone the small items they brought.

Thanks to that, Z73 sat on the trunk itself, surprising everyone with how stable she was being. Of course, when asked about it, she just said it was thanks to the Spin.

'Man, bring a living gyroscope is actually really cool.' The way she kept so stable was the use of the Spin, a small amount of it was pumped through her body and wired directly to her core, making herself, as she said, a living gyroscope.

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