Discord Request(Not a Chapter)

654 24 39

Sharkus: God...this winter break has been a nice one

Akashi: I can tell nya. You played a lot of games and...mostly ignored the stories

Sharkus: Let a man enjoy himself! Besides, what did you get done this break?

Akashi: Maintain my machines and make sure the stores were stocked nya. Plus, I also had a nice filling bird for Christmas!

Sharkus: Eh, my Christmas was alright...you had fun at the party didn't you Purifier?

Purifier: Yep! Making new friends is always pretty nice...even if they're pyromaniacs

Sharkus: We all have that one friend after all

They were all relaxing in the living room and watching some television with cups of tea in front of them. Sharkus and Akashi were sitting on one side of the sofa, while Purifier was on the other.

The movie went on for a bit, but soon enough Purifier drank all of her tea, which caught both Akashi and Sharkus' attention.

Sharkus: You want some more Puri? There's still a bit of the movie left

Purifier: Hmm...sure, might as well

She passed her mug over to him, and while she looked back to the movie, both Sharkus and Akashi shared a look.

He held out his hand, and Akashi sneakily put a brown capsule into it, flashing him a sly smile before going stoic again and watching the movie with Purifier.

Sharkus: I'll be back soon enough, so sit tight and enjoy the movie

Purifier: Will do

In the kitchen, he got to work making the cup of tea, and doing it the way Puri liked. Adding some creamer, three spoons of sugar, and stirring it till it was a nice caramel brown.

Sharkus: And she'll never know cause of that...sorry Puri, but the masses want it, and so they will receive it

He popped the capsule into the cup, crushing it and making sure it was mixed together well with the actual drink before finally taking a spoon of it to taste it.


Sharkus: Yep, that's ready for use

He grabbed the cup and took it back with him to the living room. Upon entering, Purifier's eyes landed on the mug, and the sight of the steam already made her smile.

Purifier: Nice and hot, just the way I like it!

Sharkus: You did always like things that were like you after all

Purifier: Oh? Trying to flirt? It's the start of the new year so I guess that's acceptable~

Sharkus: Teasing girly, I'm teasing

Purifier chuckled before taking the drink from his hands, holding it for a second as the drink slightly cooled. They all returned to the movie and continued watching, with both Akashi and Sharkus waiting anxiously for the results.

Purifier finally felt the want to drink, so she raised the cup up to her lips and took her first sip. Sharkus and Akashi watched closely as she gulped it down...

Her eyes widened as she did.

Purifier: This...


Purifier: This is delicious!

She raised it back up to her lips, quickly chugging the rest of the drink and letting out a satisfied breath at the end.

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