Before the First(Final) Step

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Here she sat, twiddling her thumbs and waiting for Alpha to pick them up once again. Dreamweaver gave them a few days to relax, take a load off their minds, before they had to move on and take Goddess on in the home front.

She recalled how each spent their time, and for all, it was the same thing. Each one spent these few days with their friends and family, knowing that this leg of their journey was the most perilous and lethal of all...they understood that they might not make it with their lives, but were ready to move forward nonetheless.

"Heroes...every one of you..."


Her eyes went to the door, seeing Observer Alpha stepping though much more confidently then the last time she brought them here. "I've brought them all, as you've requested."

"Thank you Alpha. Return to your duties then, I can handle the rest from here."

She gave a quick bow before walking off towards another section of the facility, leaving Dreamweaver with the five she, at least for her, sent off to other worlds mere days ago. She looked between them all, noting how each one felt different and, in the case of Kurfürst, looked different too.

"I can see that you all returned not only safe, but more fierce and powerful then ever."

Purifier sat down, a flame appearing on her fingertips. "Yep, wasn't fun getting this considering it killed the other girl, but I know it was better then getting it in that flint n' steel's hands."

Iowa sat down next. "It wasn't hard doing my objective once I narrowed it down, but...I doubt I want to ever go through the pain of overexposure again."

Akagi next. "To think those beasts could give me something of use...never thought it could happen, but any boost counts."

Z73. "Ever heard of martial arts that involve spinning? I doubt it, since I seemed to pioneer the techniques for it."

Finally, Kurfürst. "Similar to the white haired miss, I went through some extreme pain to achieve what I have now. Also the same, I don't ever wish to repeat that."

All five were sitting together, and Dreamweaver could see it clear as day: They weren't the most trusting of some members here, especially to the Siren sitting at the side.

"Please, spare the hostility to each other if possible. You need to be able to rely on your fellow during this, as you never know when or how things could end up while there."

"Easy for you to say." Z73 leaned back and gave Purifier the stink eye. "As for me, I lost an arm to the Sirens already, the other to an Aztec bodybuilding God, don't ask. I don't think it'll be easy for most of us to just trust a Siren, a Purifier no less, to be that helpful."

Dreamweaver expected this, and only gave her a smile. "Well, I'm sure you all have interesting stories about how Sirens affected your lives, but the one you're sitting with was once a human much like the ones you were all meant to protect."


Their gazes soon fell on Purifier, who was staring at Dreamweaver with a mean glare. "I swear, you better no-"

"Oh, and she was once a human male."

"DAMMIT!!" Purifier buried her face in her arms, cheeks red as she hid from the gazes of the other four.

Iowa raised an eyebrow, smirking and poking her side. "A man huh? If that's the case, I wonder..."

"W-Wonder what?"

Iowa didn't say anything further, simply aiming a fist towards her crotch as Purifier instinctively covered it with her hands. "HEY!!"

"Haha! That confirms it, the once a man thing is true."

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