Humans' Mind, Nature's Sacrifice

580 31 45

Four chapter in a day?! What am I, crazy?! enjoy cause this is the last one of the day!

Kalypso: It fucking WHAT?!

Iowa: There was something there that fucking ate the Siphon! It had a dozen eyes and the mouth was large and full of razor teeth!

Another roar sounded out, but this time is released even more of its power. Both Iowa and Kalypso felt the strength it now had, and it all led only to one thing.

Iowa: It...absorbed the Siphon's power...

Kalypso: This is bad...this is really bad!

Iowa was shocked still while Kalypso was pacing around and muttering quickly about how they could handle the Siphon having been both eaten and absorbed by a large and unknown entity that...well already felt tougher than Ophis, but now?

Iowa: What the fuck is that thing...?

Kalypso: Gnaaah!!! That's it! We're going to the devils cause they just have to have made some bullshit like that!

She grabbed Iowa and slapped her to snap her out of her daze.

Kalypso: You heard me right?! Open a portal to them bitches!

Iowa: R-right!

She opened a portal to the underworld, where they immediately heard chaos and screaming. Knowing that it was gonna be tough to navigate the place now, Kalypso grabbed Iowa's hand and held tight before jumping through with Iowa in tow.

Kalypso: Hey! You know where they are?!

Iowa: The middle of the city! I can teleport us there if I get a good visual!

Kalypso: Then we'll fly!

She jumped up with Iowa, who quickly scanned the city until she saw the center of the Gremory territory, where a mansion of incredible size was visible.

Iowa: Got it!


Kalypso kicked the front door open, and was immediately met with several people that were all talking both quickly and nervously. Of course, it all stopped when Kalypso kicked the door open, which brought some of them into battle mode.

Kalypso: Which one of you egg headed Devils is Lucifer? Cause me and Iowa here need a question answered!

The tall redhead stepped forward, a frown on his face that was formed out of necessity for the situation.

?: That would be me, I am Sirzechs Lucifer

Kalypso: Good, now can you tell me what the fuck this woman saw?

She still had Iowa by the hand, who was still processing how Kalypso was taking charge in this situation.

Iowa: Alright...listen, I don't know what I saw, but I sincerely hope you have at least an idea

Sirzechs: Then please tell me, it may give us a clue as to what's going on

She went on to explain what she saw. A black empty void, over a dozen red and piercing eyes, and a large mouth of deadly and vile teeth.


Sirzechs: No...if that's what I think it is...the World may be doomed

Kalypso: So you have an idea?

Sirzechs: Unfortunately, I do

He had a small magic circle appear on his hand, where a worn out painting was held in his hands then.

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