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As stated in my announcements, this will be a nice chapter filled with other things not related to the plot of the Sequel. This is a chapter for fun and enjoyment, so I hope you like it as well.

The room was dark, save for the light shining in through the window next to the bed. Someone was snoring somewhat loudly in it, their blond hair all over the place as they dreamt with a big smile on their face.

Another person was in the room, getting dressed in their usual outfit, consisting of a short Fuku shirt with what were almost speedos, plus long socks/bracings that ran up most of their legs. They took the strange futuristic hair pin on the dresser, tying their hair up in a ponytail and clipping the accessory on before letting the hair drop.

The final step was their half length gloves, and with those on, they were ready to go. The person looked into the mirror, their shining yellow eyes greeting them back as they gave a wink and went to the door.

"Sleep well Hornet."


"Hey Purifier! What's got you up this early?"

She turned around, seeing Cleveland running up to her with Montpelier in tow. "Nothing much, just woke up early and decided to just spend the day out."

"Yeah, it is beautiful today...oh! That reminds me, we got sent a letter by Observer, she said to give it to you when you woke up." The cruiser reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out a small letter that was signed to Purifier.

Taking it from her grasp, she peeled it open as Cleveland and Montpelier patted her shoulder and walked off. Taking the letter from within the sealing, she unfolded it and read the neat yet seemingly excited hand writing of Alpha.


I have some pretty exciting news to share with you. Since you've all been working hard recently, and the results of that work have really been showing, me and Dreamweaver decided to set something up for you and a few others.

At around noon, portals will be opening up for several esteemed guests to come visit up here in the portal room, and we'll be providing entertainment. It's a party for you all.

I can hope that you'll see this before it's too late, and I hope you decide to come.

From Observer Alpha

"A party...that sounds pretty good too me."

Putting the letter into the nearby trash bin, she stretched and checked the time, seeing that it was still a bit before this party would start. "I guess I got time to kill."

With that, she went about her day, collecting a few small things and looking to freshen herself up better than normal. She wants to look the best she can for the party after all.


Stepping through the portal, Purifier saw that there was several signs set up around that directed them through the only door in the room, as if someone was blind and didn't know where to go.

'I doubt anyone is that blinded, but who knows?'

Taking a breath, she went to the door and opened it, looking inside and seeing that there was already people present. It seems that there were even normal ships and humans present inside, which baffled her.

"Purifier, welcome!"

She looked to the voice, seeing Alpha floating there with a party hat on her head. "Hey Alpha, what's with the normal ones here? Were they invited?"

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