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Mastermind - Unwinnable Battle theme 1

Kicking off from where we stopped, Annie was looking death in the eyes as Akagi gave her a failing hand. The woman wasn't the same cheery and happy person that joked around that she saw when she spied on them before, all she saw in her eyes was a cold conviction to her duty.

That duty was to end her existence.

Thinking fast, she quickly raised her hand and hit Akagi's face with all the force she could muster. It all failed as she saw how it didn't even affect her at all.

Akagi let go of her and stared at her, which Annie took to do a kick to her face, once again not making her even flinch. She tried to punch her stomach to stun her, but yet again, nothing happened.

"Are you finished?" Akagi wiped her stomach, as if dusting herself off as the rain only made her red eyes glow even fiercer than they did before.

Annie put her hands down, carefully taking a step back as she stared at Akagi. This woman was an immovable wall, and if she so desired, her life would be gone before she could even think that she was dead.

With that, she did the only thing her mind could think of in such a terrible situation...

She ran

She turned around immediately and started to run, Akagi simply stood there and watched her go. "Go ahead and run Annie...you'll only die tired."

She looked down to the three kids in the tunnel still. "Go ahead and call off everyone, I'm ending her today."

"But, we need her alive!"

"And I want her dead." She spoke back at Armin, silencing the boy as he attempted to reason with her.

"Call off everyone in hiding, you're gonna make them sick from this weather." As she finished, a flash of lightning appeared, and she vanished into it.

The weird part was that when she vanished, for a split second, they thought they saw something else in her place...something demonic almost. It was a bit taller than Akagi, with two horns that were sharpened to a point, long wavy white hair, long claws, and a metallic tail that ended in a heart shaped arrow.

What kind of demon was that?


Whatever it was, Annie had better pray that she dies quickly.

Her rapid footfalls splashed the puddles beneath her, and her ragged breathing was masked by the ever powerful storm. Annie's eyes were scanning the environment for any means of escape to reaffirm and get to a safe place.

She thought about going into her Titan form, but with the speed and power that woman has, it was a death sentence no matter what form she took. The best bet she could take was that of running and staying hidden if possible.

She turned a corner and slid across the ground a little as her foot lost its footing. She didn't care for anything other than making sure that Akagi was as far from her as possible, which she felt she had little chance of accomplishing.

Running through what was once the market district, the wide open area was empty as the stalls were pulled in and closed, leaving nothing in the middle. She continued to run, but she felt something cold hit her back, colder than the rain falling on her.

She turned her head, seeing nothing behind her other than a blue sword stuck in the ground that quickly vanished.

"Gah!" She ran into something, but she didn't remember running towards anything...

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