An Eternal Dark

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The church was in quite a predicament now, and it was all thanks to the little girl with pointed ears and gothic clothing. Kuroka looked ready to either pass out from fear or run into the sunset, while Mary could feel the presence, but was still mostly unaware of what was happening.

Iowa: Ophis, I'm not sure how important you are to the supernatural world, but I swear to you...if you don't lower this aura you're putting out and you don't stop scaring these two, we'll have a problem

The Dragon God looked up to Iowa's far taller figure, who was staring down at her with a glare rivaling her own. Ophis was still insatiably curious about her though, more so than anything else she has been curious about in the past.

Ophis: Who are you?

Iowa: Iowa, Goddess of the Void, or otherwise known as the Dimensional Gap

Ophis tilted her head, seemingly confused.

Ophis: My has felt strange as of late

Iowa: Your...home?

Ophis took away her crushing aura, letting Kuroka breath normally. She took this time to grab Mary(much to Iowa's graces) and got her out of the church to avoid the confrontation.

Ophis: You feel like the Gap, but you aren't from it

Iowa: That's because it resonated with me, and it chose me as a sort of representative figure

Ophis: Interesting...


Ophis: I want you to help me kill Great Red

Iowa: Great...who?

Ophis: A stupid red dragon who took my home from me and won't give it back. All he does is make noise and does stupid things, so I want him dead so my quiet can return

She hardened her own glare onto Iowa, trying to show she means business.

Ophis: I have a group to help me, I want you in it

Iowa: Hmm...judging by your title, I'm guessing he's related to something ridiculous as well?

Ophis: He is the Dragon of Dreams, and the True Dragon


Iowa: his power is practically anything and everything that can be considered a dream...

She turned around and sat down on a Pew, resting her head back on it.

Iowa: You're on your own kid, I can't contest with that at my level. Even if I could, I'm here for my own goal and your little get together probably won't help me with it

Ophis: You...won't help?

Iowa: That's out of the question. I'm far to weak to take on something that controls powers relating to dreams

Ophis: I feel your strength, you can take him on-

Iowa: Not yet. I need to fully integrate with the Gap before I could even think about that, and that will take a bit of time to do so


Ophis: What if I take you to it now?

Iowa: And risk me losing my mind from the power overflow? No thanks


If it wasn't already something you were thinking of, then here's where you'll learn of what happens when a being as powerful as Ophis suddenly unleashes her aura like that.

Pure. Chaos.

Most of the supernatural world was suddenly hit with a wave of power that only someone like Ophis or Great Red could put out, and just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished and freed them from their stupors.

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