A Berserk Rage

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It took a short while, but the group had managed to take out not only the last of the three Seeders, but also managed to take out the Locust inside the House of Sovereigns as well, leaving the area clear of Locust soldiers. They also got tied back with Alpha squad's remaining soldiers, and were heading to the balcony in the front of the building to assist them.

Right now, they were entering the large room directly in the front of the place, where trials are held against significant crimes such as abandonment of duty.

"This building use to be a beautiful place. There's a lot of history here." Kim was lost in his own thoughts, looking around the ruined hall of the building.

"Lots of lies, too."

Kim glared at Marcus, turning to look at him. "You got some nerve soldier, I know all about your trail."

Dom got between them however, looking Kim square in the eyes. "His trial was a sham...Sir."

They heard gunfire coming from the balcony, and Kurfürst took point as they ascending, finding a lone Locust drone firing a Troika turret down on Alpha squad. She walked up behind it, and since everyone here is either a bit shorter or the same height as her, she was actually happy she could do this.

"Ahem." She tapped his shoulder.

"What?" He turned around, and was met with a fist to the face. He slammed into the gun, but was promptly lifted from it and raised above her head, Kurfürst holding him by the neck and groin as she slammed him headfirst into the floor, reducing his head to mush.

Throwing the body aside, she stood next to the gun, waving her hands towards it. "So who's manning it? They definitely need fire support from a weapon like this."

The four men looked between them, before Cole smiled and seemingly hyped himself up. "You use it. We all got guns except you so you got it."

"And why do you look so excited?"

"Cause I'm just waiting to see some more high power, high protein POWER!!" He was ridiculously hyped.

Kurfürst looked at the gun, seeing that the ammo belt was within the main gun mount of the Troika itself. With a smile, she grabbed the turret by it's handle, and also from underneath it, resting her hand on the shield.

"Uhh...what are you doing?"

She looked over to Dom, showing her smile. "Just getting a new weapon."

With a heavy rip of the metal, she tore the Troika from it's mount, and now had it hoisted in her arms. "Start firing boys! Let's assist Alpha!"

She stepped up onto the railing and walked off, crashing down on the floor with a thud, cracking the ground underneath her. Some of the Locust turned to her, seeing her grin and the Heavy Machine gun pointed at them. "Hallo Grubs!"

With the press of a single trigger on the double hand grip, she started to mow down the Locust around her, riddling then with bullet holes and rending them apart price by piece. The boys above assisted her, but weren't able to do much before a hail of Heavy Machine gun fire ripped their target to shreds.

Finally, all was still, and the only sound heard was the cawing of crows and the steaming metal of the end of the Troika. The three men, one of them without a Helmet, stepped forward and out of cover once it was all over.

The man with no helmet was blonde and had goggles on his forehead, and he was carrying some sort of backpack looking device. "Well, I thought I called for backup, not a full sweep."

Kurfürst hoisted the Troika onto her shoulder. "These things tend to happen when I get involved. Großer Kurfürst, and you are?"

"Groser Kurferst? Strange name that is...eh whatever. Damon Baird."

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