Wind of Destruction

376 20 5

The Hot Wind Blowing - Z73 Theme 2

They were all silent, watching wearily as Kars looked over his fully healed body, with not a single spike of crystal through him. Z73 was clenching her organic hand tightly, and behind her mask her teeth were gritted.

All that work to keep him away from the stone, and he deceived them at the final moment to take it and complete his goal!

The soldiers were freaking out, but Stroheim was able to wrangle them in. "Don't be cowards, look at him! His arm is still smoking, and Hamon is still running across it! He may have acquired the stone, but he is utterly the same!"

He looked over to the soldiers near the Amplifier. "Start it up again! We'll end him for sure this time!"

While they prepared the weapon to fire at him, he looked around his environment, seemingly searching for something.

"W-What's he looking for?" Smokey was probably the most terrified of all, seeing he was the worst off in this entire group.

Kars was looking at a tree, where two owls and a squirrel were together. The squirrel was running across the ground, gathering food for itself.

Smokey looked back to Kars, sweat starting to break as he grew panicked. "L-Look! Look at his hand!"

Kars' hand was turning green, before ultimately shifting and changing form entirely, disconnecting from his wrist and forming an identical version of the squirrel.

'What the fuck...' For the first time, Z73 was genuinely freaked out, seeing life be created just like that.

It rubbed up against him lovingly before jumping off, approaching the other squirrel. "That's...actually kinda cute." Smokey commented on the little get together the Squirrels were having...

Then the one from Kars' hand grew fangs and ate the real one. "I STAND CORRECTED!!"

The vampire squirrel lunged at the German soldiers, tearing through them and killing them quickly yet absolutely not cleanly. Ripping their skin and devouring their insides like a rabid hyena.

Z73 had enough of that and rushed at the squirrel, grabbing the thing by the head and clamping down, crushing it in her hand. She threw it back to Kars', where it turned back to goo and came back as his hand once more.

"H-He can freely manipulate life itself!"

"Good to see you haven't changed..." Z73 was staring at Speedwagon, but a small mote of light quickly drew her attention, as well as everyone else's.

The sun was rising.

All across the board, they grew happy at the arrival of the greatest weapon against the undead. They near cheered as the screams of the many vampires still alive filled the air, quickly silenced as they vanished into nothing but dust.


Those cheers soon died down as well when they view Kars, as healthy as ever standing in the sunlight unharmed.

Those cheers soon died down as well when they view Kars, as healthy as ever standing in the sunlight unharmed

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