The First True Test

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"La la laa~. De daa laa laaa~"

While everyone else was steeling themselves for a fight, and climbing the steps up towards the Palace to finally battle this 'Goddess', they were having a minor issue with the humming of a certain Arbiter. Star was behind them all, skipping up the steps, humming and singing, the works, all while they were attempting to ready themselves.

"La laa~...da laa-"

Purifier put a hand over her mouth, shutting her up for a few moments. After taking her hand away, Star nodded as she understood what they were asking for, and they continued up in relative silence.

"So, what's the first thing we're going to encounter?" Kurfürst was currently at the head, staring up at the large gates that slowly grew closer.

"Hmm...probably sister Hierophant. She's the guard of the Palace, or so she says in her words."

With that said, they moved up the stairs, the surprisingly large amount only slowing the inevitable for them all. With their weapons at the ready, they all prepared to move through the Palace and take on this woman they have been told to kill.


"Hey, why is there a nun here?"

At the top of the stairs, there was a blank faced nun watching them all. She was as still as a statue, not moving even as they approached her.

Purifier waved up to her. "Hello! I'm guessing you're the gate guard or something? Does that mean you're Hierophant?"

"That's correct." She spoke in a low, almost silent tone that somehow echoed out towards the group.

Her eye panned across them all, taking in each one before stopping on Star. She was waving happily to her sister, seemingly not bothered by the tense air around them.

"Heyya Hierophant!"

"Hello Star, come here will you?"

"Sure!" Star bounded past the group, going up to Hierophant and hugging her. Hierophant gave her a one armed hug, still staring at the group on the stairs.

Purifier looked between the two, seeing how different both acted and dressed. "I'm guessing all of you are different in a bunch of ways?"

"You would be correct Purifier. However, I have a duty to fulfill."

Their guard went up at that, before they saw her turn around and walk towards the doors. "Please, I request you all follow me."

"What? No fight or "I'm going to kill you" thing?" She turned to look at Z73, a small smile on her face. "No need for such frivolous things. Follow me inside whenever you feel ready."

The massive gates opened, and the two Arbiters stepped inside and vanished from sight. At first, the group didn't move from their spots, worried about what might be ahead of them, but eventually, the Siren of them stepped forward slowly followed by the rest of them as they vanished one by one inside.

"This place is...bigger than I thought it was."

"These halls are not corespondent with Reality. Each time you enter a hallway, you may end up in a random space within the Palace." Hierophant was acting much like a tour guide to the group, taking them through the halls with little worry of thinking if they want to harm her.

"It took many, many years to figure out the little quirks and tricks to navigate this place normally, and now that I know them, I shall guide you all through here."

Purifier ran up to her side, looking up at the far taller woman. "Say, are you taking us to this Goddess woman?"

"Yes, she is your ultimate destination."

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