A Lesson on Strength

156 13 10

With Vengeance


Sliding across the floor again, she heaved several deep breaths, slowly rising to her feet and wiping the dust from her cheek. Turning to her opponent, she saw her unbroken stance and power still held so strong and tight, and it sparked wild fury.

This has been a constant repeat of what they were doing, Strength and Kurfürst battling in the halls while the other four watched it play out. Kurfürst didn't look any worse for wear, not even sweat on her face, while Strength was facing down a heavy beating, in several ways.

Standing straight, Kurfürst betrayed no emotion, her gaze solid as stone. "Again!"


Strength charged her once more, swinging to hit the larger woman, and missing entirely when she moved out of the way, only ducking under the arm to dodge. She pushed Strength forward, her unbalanced punch making her tumble to the floor, in the same situation we saw when we came upon them.

"Every time you try this Strength, you only tire yourself out more...again!"

"B-Bastard...!" She stood up once more, instead of a punch, she tried going for a tackle on her.

Kurfürst didn't move from the spot, instead letting her ram into her. Her power was definitely there, and she felt herself slide back from the force, but she wouldn't be doing this if she didn't already plan on what to do.

She bent down around Strength's waist, and squeezed her tightly. The Arbiter grunted from the pain of the squeeze, kicking and punching at her to try and make her let go, but it only worsened what was to come.

With another tight squeeze, she lifted Strength up and off the floor, and then dropped her own legs out, slamming her head first into the floor. The others winced at the infamous wrestling move, knowing damn well that it would hurt.

Oh boy, did Strength feel it. It felt like she was thrown by a tornado into the floor with the weight of the woman who hit her. She was folded with her legs over her head, in too much pain at the moment to worry about moving herself.

That is...until her leg got grabbed.

Her head swiveled to Kurfürst, who was grabbing her by the calf and raising her up and off the floor. A quick kick to the chin by Strength made her drop her, and she scrambled to her feet, hands shaking.

"Are you nervous of this fight?"


"There is much to fear in battles Strength, but know that your life isn't in danger here."


Kurfürst's eyebrow went up, as Strength somewhat relaxed herself. "I-I'm your enemy...one of the Arbiters that you met in your path here, a Siren...why are you not planning on trying to kill me, or at least cripple me?"

"It would be a waste to do so." Her words seemed so natural to her, but they only served to make Strength even more confused. "What waste?! I would prefer to end my opponent when they're at their lowest!"

"Are you not a warrior?"


Kurfürst dropped her stance, but kept her fists tight. "Are. You. A Warrior?"

"Yes...I am a Warrior!"

"...Wrong answer." She dashed forward, going on the offensive for the first time and scaring Strength into a guard, a flimsy one that only served to Kurfürst's benefit.

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