The Brewing Storm Cell

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Explosions rocked the seas near the Azur lane port, and since many girls were off to the side and relaxing, it was obvious what was happening.

There was a mock battle going on right now.

Shells sounded off towards their target, who weaves out of their way as she pointed her left arm forward, her own shell blasting out to her opposition.

Formidable: We will win this one this time!

?:*sigh* You always say that Formidable, but you never see it happen do you?

Formidable held back her grimace as she saw Ayanami bank forward to launch torpedos. By her side was Pola and Chao Ho, both nervous but ready to fight against their greatest ship.

?: A 1 on 4 huh?

She cracked her only actual hand, while her black gauntlet creaked from the gesture.

?: Been through worse before...

Pola and Chao shoot at her as torpedos also sped her way. She kicked at the water and threw the torpedos slightly off course, letting her slide through the space while also getting closer and avoiding the barrage.

Ayanami: Your skill is still incredible to behold

?: I aim to impress after all

She shot at Ayanami, who dodged the shot and fired back, the shell being deflected off her black arm.

That's when the sound of planes came to mind, and looking behind her, she saw several planes going in for a bombing run.

?: Shit, I'll have to tank this!

She covered her head with her left arm and felt the impact of the explosives slam into her. They may have been designed for training and mock fights, but it still hurt like a motherfucker.


?: I...can't move!

Formidable: That's right! I won't let you move an inch!

A big clock was behind her as she activated her ability, freezing the girl in place.

Formidable: Do it now!

Ayanami shot at the girl as both Chao and Pola did too, clouding the area in smoke from the direct hits.

Formidable: Excellent work!

Chao and Pola smiled at their victory against her, which honestly surprised them with how easy it was.

?: Hmm...


They shouldn't have jinxed it.

Out of the smoke, she finally came into view, and she was not being jovial anymore.

Out of the smoke, she finally came into view, and she was not being jovial anymore

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