Quoth the Siren

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Purifier: Mmmmh...Ahh~

Stretching the night's ails away, she heard and felt several bones crack as she released all the tension, falling into a clump on the couch.

Purifier: Those morning stretches are Heaven sent gifts!

Laying there for several more minutes, she then stood up and activated Mako, walking outside with the robotic shark rigging in tow behind her.

Purifier: Now then, we found nothing of value, we avenged the village, and we found a book from at least 10 years ago that may or may not lead towards a settlement


Purifier: Well, best luck we've had today. Ready to go Mako?

The rigging grew in size, until it was back to its original size once more.

Purifier: Atta boy! Let's get going

The soft ground collided with her shoes, and they were aching to get used after the long flight.

Purifier walked into the village and gazed around at all the buildings there, especially keen on trying to find any spots where "info" can be gathered.

A bar is perfect for just that.

Purifier: Question is, where is the bar?

As she walked around, she still noticed the gazes she was getting. Luckily she had gotten use to them since she really has no other choice on the matter unless she gets thin clothes, which is bad when it rains or gets wet...you should know why.


Purifier: This is stupid, all the buildings look the same! Forget it, I'm asking someone

Heading back to what she believed to be the main square, she looked around and saw very little people actually in the streets...confusing.

Purifier: Now what happened with all the people? Is it happy hour?

Going quiet and using her ears definitely helped as she heard many shouts and cheers coming from the building to her left.

Purifier: So THAT'S the bar...definitely the same building as the others...


Purifier:...And now the clouds are 'bouta start pissing! Juuuust perfect

She walked up to the doors of the bar, opening and peering inside to make sure it really was the place. Thankfully it was and she let herself in, drawing the eyes of the many drunkards, both men and women.

Purifier: Take a picture, it lasts longer!


Several actually did


She sighed and walked to the counter, jumping up to sit on the chair.

Bartender: A-

Purifier: Shut it, I'm old enough

She put lien on the counter, before pointing at the fruity looking drink on the shelf. While she waited, she looked around the bar and listened in closely on the many conversations, trying to find out if anyone has seen or heard about strange happenings...hopefully leading to the Siphon.


Bartender: Your drink ma'am

Purifier: Thank you

The drink was smooth and tastes like mangos, which she did prefer over most fruits. She really enjoyed it.

Purifier: Ahh~, quick question. Do you get any strange folk running through here?

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