The Moon

135 11 8

Velkhana First Encounter


Z73 could do nothing but heave breath after breath, each one frigid and steamed in the now much colder fields. Moon was staring her down, not moving a muscle.


Z73 staggered, her metal arms falling off and into pieces to the floor below. With them laid many shattered bits of metal all around as well.

She has been doing this many times already, and she was growing tired from it.

"Do you concede?" Moon repeated those words every single time her arms shattered, and it was growing irritating.

Each time that happened, Z73 wouldn't back down, and just like before, her eyes flashed yellow, and her metal arms regrew instantly. "L-Like hell I'm going to give up..."

Iowa was unable to assist her in her stare down and attempts against Moon, locked in that battle for aerial control still. She would have been a able to help her had she not had to delegate attention to both the falling spikes, and the icy spear that was pressed against her back, attempting to stab through her.

Moon has so far managed to successfully subdue both of them, and she didn't look tired or winded in the slightest.

She blinked, another blast of subzero frost rushing towards Z73 in attempt to freeze her as it did before. She was already tired of this constant back and forth, and she already began generating Spin when her third pair of arms were frozen and destroyed.

When the blast hit her arms, she sent her energy through them, shattering the ice and successfully keeping them in good condition. Moon raised an eyebrow at the sudden change, and when she blinked to have another blast go for her...

Z73 was right in front of her.

Her hand was pulled back, and her eyes were a bright gold as she put plenty of energy into her punch, ready to destroy Moon. With that punch, she slammed it into Moon, the frost and spikes in the air blasting away from the shockwave.

"...Dammit!" Z73 was pissed right now, but more at the fact that her punch only managed to hit some sort of Ice wall that sprang up in front of her.

Thing is, even if it's reinforced or magic or whatever she has, the ice should have at least been chipped, rather than being in perfect condition. "How...did you manage to keep this thing so steady?!"

"...I suppose I can tell you." Moon revealed her face through a thin layer of ice. "Your Spin is rotational energy, and thus, the smaller an object is that gets it, the more it spins and the more it could be ripped apart."

She left that thought in the air for a moment, seemingly to give her time to ponder it. "With that in mind, all I had to do was create a massive sheet of dense ice, the very ice you stand upon, to disperse the effects and nullify it."

" cookie."

For once, an emotion came to Moon's face, that being a smile. "Definitely. One cannot survive on the battlefield if you aren't both smart and powerful."

The ice broke away, and Z73 wanted no second and sprang at her again. Her fist was still hyper charged by the Spin, and this time, Moon had nothing in front of her to block it.

'Finally!' Moon was raising her hand to block the attack, but that wouldn't work, not against the spin.



The seconds ticked by, and slowly, Z73 felt more and more dread fill her as Moon remained unaffected. Her hand was forced down, letting Moon stare her down with her dead glare.

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