Make Your Choice(Closed)

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Now then, with the disclaimer out of the way, onto business.

As of the writing of this chapter, Forsakened, Yet Awoken is still being written and is close to its finale. Thanks to that, an important decision is needed to be made now, and I'll leave it up to the readers to choose this.

Which character shall we focus on first? Make your choice by commenting on the character you wish to see written first, and the one with the highest amount after Akagi's story is complete and the grace period is over, will be the first to go on their world traveling adventure!

Purifier (Goes to RWBY)

Z73 (Goes to JoJo:Part 2)

Großer Kurfürst (Goes to Gears of War)

Iowa (Goes to Highschool DXD)

Akagi (Goes to Attack on Titan)

Make your choice everyone...I'll be waiting.

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