Abyssal Vehemence

694 42 55

Kalypso: This is not going good...

It hasn't been even a few minutes since Iowa originally lunged at her, and Kalypso was already feeling the strain on her arms from the relentless flurry of attacks she was throwing.

Iowa would jump and slash at her, and even when the sword was now away from her, it was never a window to attack her as the glaive would be coming very shortly behind. She learned that the hard way and had lost a chunk of flesh or two, forcing her to regenerate.

Even now, as she jumped away from Iowa's glaive, the woman still advanced and swung her sword, which was deflected by Kalypso. She was having to dig in hard as each attack Iowa threw out was faster and more vicious than the last, and she wasn't getting tired.

Kalypso: Dammit! What the hell did I say?!

Iowa: HAAAH!!

Kalypso's eyes widened a bit before she jumped backwards and avoided a fatal slam of the glaive into the ground, where it imbedded itself into the unearthly stone. Iowa ripped it out and stared at Kalypso with a fury filled glare, as if she was hoping it would kill her instead of her blades.

She took a deep breath and held her sword out in front of her, trying her best to not appear worried or scared even as sweat rolled down her face.

Kalypso: So...d-did I say something wrong?

Iowa: I feel like you should know...

Kalypso: As much as it insults me to say...I really don't


Iowa: You want to replace me and care for my family in my stead. That is something I shall not allow!

With a crackle of black lightning, she was in front of Kalypso, who barely managed to raise her sword in defense as Iowa continued her unending barrage of strikes.

Two swipes of her sword, a large sweep of her glaive which slammed into the ground right after. A jump and slam or even a spin that Kalypso knew she didn't have the strength to block, so she dodged.

It was taxing, ridiculously taxing.

Iowa was still fresh as can be, if not a little calmer now as she threw her anger out on Kalypso, who's arms were shaking pretty badly after the constant strain they were on from Iowa's assault.

Kalypso: Y-ya know, I never expected my first little bit of time being alive to be so fun...

Iowa: Your body betrays your thoughts you know

Kalypso: Fuck no it doesn't!

She charged forward instead this time, bringing black flames to her blade and putting all of her power into the swing. It was fast and ferocious, and were it anyone else, it would have been almost guaranteed death.

But...it had to be the one person in front of her to be the one to get the attack.

Iowa: Pitiful

She stepped forward, gently pushing the sword aside with her own as Kalypso hopelessly watched her move towards her. Iowa's sword was on her stomach, and black lightning started to arc from the blade to Kalypso.

Iowa: Die...

Once more with lightning speed, Iowa was behind Kalypso, and Kalypso stopped her own swing as well.


Kalypso: Ah...gah...

She stumbled a bit, before falling over and separating from her legs. She landed with a solid thud as everything from the waist down was severed from the rest of her.

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