Human(?) against the Hunter

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Return to Ashes - Akagi theme 1


Eren rolled on the floor a few times before quickly standing back up, dusting himself off as he glared at the Siren Hunter.

"What the hell was that about?!"

"Listen boy, and I'll only say this once unless your brain is the opposite of your ego..."

Faster than Eren could even see, the sword that she had at her side was at his neck, and she was standing him dead in the eyes. Her blood red eyes invited Eren to try anything against her, but his gut told him that it would only end in his brutal, yet swift, death.

"Now boy, are you a Titan?"


"Am I...a Titan?"

"Yes, because you smell exactly like one."

"L-listen, there's no way in hell I can be a Titan!" He tried to push her away, but he only moved himself, and she caught his arm and dragged him back closer to her immediately.

"No? Well that's quite a predicament, as I won't let someone waltz around with that smell while not knowing the full and unquestionable truth."

She let go of Eren, and the boy took several steps back away from her and the incredibly terrifying weapon she held so dutifully and elegantly. His thoughts were awry too, just what did she mean by him being a Titan?

Akagi narrowed her eyes, seeing his internal conflict. "Kid, either tell me the truth or things won't go right for you. If you are a Titan, then I'll just keep an eye on you, if you're just a terrible smelling human, then I'll let you go after washing you off myself."

She took a step forward, and Eren took two back, then she took another, and Eren took another two. It was clear he was afraid of her, as anyone should be after witnessing all the things she can do.

"Listen Eren, either you're telling me the truth, or you're telling me a well fabricated lie, and I have ways of figuring it out." She suddenly appeared in front of Eren, grabbing his wrist again and locking it tight.

No matter what Eren did, she never budged, even when he started kicking at her, he only ended up hurting himself as her skin felt like steel.

"I don't even know what you're talking about! What do you mean I smell like a Titan?!"


Akagi let go, and Eren tumbled to the floor. He tried getting back up, but felt her boot slam onto his chest, knocking the wind out of him and forcing his eyes open to stare the gleaming katana down.

(Yamato)"Akagi, isn't this a bit much?"

'I would normally agree with you, but this smell isn't something I can overlook. If it's true that Titans can hide in a humanized form, then that is a risk and danger I absolutely cannot leave alone.'


Yamato never responded, and Akagi raised the blade up above her head. "Eren, your goals and aspirations...what are they to you?"

"M-my goals...are to destroy every single Titan...down to the smallest and the largest!" He still had difficulty speaking as he recovered from her stomp, but he was steadfast in his goal.

Akagi saw the fire in Eren's eyes, each one showing her an unwavering courage to complete that objective he so covets...and a very similar feeling to herself when she truly needs the edge.

'If it's what I'm thinking...'

She smiled. "Very well tell me, tell the trees, tell the world, all of it! Tell it your goal! Scream it to the Heavens!"

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