Straight Away

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The place was fairly quiet after Joseph riddled the man with bullets. Z73 was looking into the building, same as the civilians outside, and just watching.

Joseph wipes his eyes, clearing his tears. "Straights! What will it be? Smashing your brain, Hamon, or sunlight? Those are the three ways to erase you!"

He stepped inside, and the people started to panic as he did. Z73 stepped forward on this part however. "Everyone! Please leave the building immediately! The man who was just shot is abnormal and highly unpredictable! It is dangerous to be here as of now!"

Joseph shot her a thankful look as she escorted the people out of the building, taking even the two crying women out of the building as quick as she could.

However, they heard a noise, and their eyes darted towards Straights, who was now standing up, without touching the ground with his hands mind you, and was sticking his finger in his wound, pulling up through his body and pulling another bullet out as well.

'Okay, that's kinda disturbing.'

He threw down the bullets, but then twisted his body a bit, before seemingly snapping into the other direction, launching all the bullets from his body onto the ground at their feet. Joseph looked a bit scared at how durable the vampire was, while Z73 only took note of what she learned.

'It's durable yes, but the key take away is that it's a regenerator, not a tank. A good hit that takes out the brain will be more than enough to kill a vampire.'

She reached to her waist and put on her mask, her eyes turning to crimson red similar to the vampire's own. Behind the mask, Z73 smiled, knowing she had some advantage to take use of.

"Dio's failure was overindulgence in playing with his powers. That made an opening for Jonathan to strike."

He turned to Joseph, not caring about the other target in the room, thinking her small frame wasn't any major threat too him.

"But my philosophy is different, I'll find the extent of my powers after I destroy you. I'll show you no mercy!"

He posed, with his hand in front of him. "And I'll start with the technique Dio used to kill Jonathan!"

Joseph pulled up his Tommy gun, but the gun clicked, showing that his gun was empty on bullets. Straights smiled, as the situation had fallen to his hands. "Out of ammo?"

Straights eyes started to shake. "My eyes can fire my essence, face my Space Ripper Stingy Eyes!"

His eyes opened, and lasers blasted out from his eyes. Their speed was unbelievable, and Z73 already took to action. "Joseph, get down!"

She started to push him out of the way, but it was too late to avoid the attacks fully. A blast took to Joseph's head, and the other landed square on Z73's mask.

Z73 was blasted backwards and slammed into the wall in the back of the shop, still fine, but she decided to play it smart and act unconscious. Smokey however, didn't know about this. "Joseph! Sirocco!"

"A mere trifle, and I got the little girl too. All that's left is Erina Joestar." Straights commented as he turned away towards the broken window. "It'll be-"

"Easier than drowning an infant."
"Easier than drowning an infant."

Straight's eyes shot open, and he turned around to see Joseph still standing. "Now you'll say: How can he live with a hole in his head?!"

"H-How can he live with a hole in his head?!" Straights finished his sentence, then his eyes grew wide once again, realizing he fell into Joseph's trap.

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