Release the Beast

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The thunderous galloping of horses rang through the broken town, where the people have left long ago to avoid death and devourment by the Titans who now roam free.

The 57th expedition has come underway, and they are making their way to their final objective: to deal with and seal the opening in Shiganshina and eradicate the Titans within the outer walls.

Hundreds of horses rode through the streets, with a rider upon each one's back. The teams were split up into the main forces plus their auxiliary such as the support team, who were tasked with eliminating the Titans around them.

"To the left! 10-meter Titan!" Hange shouted out, and the support team sprang into action. They quickly fell upon the beast, and despite the miss of the initial strike, they ultimately felled the Titan with no causalities.

"Brace! We're entering Titan territory now!"

"The support is pulling back now, we're on our own!"

The horse parade broke through the edges of the town and finally found open plains, where the next stage of their journey is to start. As discussed previously, the many soldiers split into their respective squadrons and units, all keen on guarding the supplies lying in the center, and their ace in the hole Eren Yaeger with his recently discovered Titan abilities.

Of course, they had a second ace, but she was a roaming piece, one they didn't need to worry about.

"Keiko! You finishing up?"

A Titan fell to the floor and quickly started to evaporate, and from the cloud of it's corpse, Keiko walked out holding the Alastor with two hands bracing it against her body. "Yep! It's all done over here!"

"Good." Akagi threw away the Titan tooth she was juggling, as several Titans turned to steam behind her from instantaneous attacks that killed them before they could even register their deaths.

That is truly a level Keiko wants to achieve.

Akagi stood up to full, looking at her daughter who was sporting a big goofy smile as she looked at the Alastor. 'To think she's already growing to be a fine hunter..'

(Yamato)"Still took her ten days to pull the sword out, that's a bit slower than we predicted."

'Can't be perfect all the time Yamato. I'm happy that she's already got the basics of Energy manipulation down nonetheless.'

A blast rung through the air, as mother and daughter turned to the sound to see a trial of red flares going into the air, followed by a green one pointing towards their direction.

Akagi stood up, summoning Cavaliere. "Let's get going Keiko, they just moved positions so we need to move as well."


Akagi sat on the bike, and Keiko hopped on as well. Unfortunately, she still hasn't gotten the weapon summoning down so she has to put the blade on her lap and lock it there, just like how Akagi taught her.

While the scouts were heading eastward thanks to Erwin's flare command, Akagi was heading westward as she had planned with the scouts previously. Her strategy for this expedition was to go the opposite route of the scouts and go ahead of them, taking down all Titans she sees to make the eventual shift in direction less dangerous.

Keiko held onto her mother's half jacket as they drove, the wind fluttering everywhere around them and giving Keiko a rush she never knew she had.

'This is awesome! I can't believe mommy is always able to do this whenever she wants!'

That's the perks of being a Siren Hunter I guess, so be ready for when you get this too.

Keiko went quiet for a minute, but then tapped her mom's shoulder. "Hm? What is it Keiko?"

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