The Call of Duties

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Purifier: I...was gone...for ONE SECOND!!

The Blonde brawler shrunk under her teacher's glare, knowing that she was furious about the match.

What happened you may ask?

Well, let's back it up a bit

After having the training talk with Weiss. Purifier made her way back to the stadium and watched through the rest of the games, noting nothing dangerous and no foul play being involved in them.

Of course, as this was a festival, there was several types of games across several days of the event. This included team fights, duo battles that she previously witnessed, and what caught her attention today.

A one on one

The current match was with Yang versus Mercury, or better called Drunkard. The problem with it was that Yang was losing...badly.

It got pretty bad with how messed up she was getting, but then the turning point of the match came when her semblance activated, and Mercury was suddenly on the defensive.


Purifier: I'm sorry Yang, but he's still beyond your skill level. Imma head out and see if anything needs tending too

She hopped away from the high up post above the stadium, using her flight to scan several parts of the fairground and make sure that no one is causing trouble for either her or others.

Purifier: Now then, what could those crazy sons of bitches be up to-



Purifier: So, mind explaining?

Yang: He was right in front of me! If I didn't do that he would have hit me square in the face!

Purifier: But the reports say you shot him while he was on the ground...just as I thought

Yang: Huh?

Purifier: There is an intruder in the festival, a group I know since they tried to kidnap me and...well I don't know what else since they got their shit whipped before they could try anything. One of those lads had an illusion semblance

Yang was just staring at her, not even surprised by both her attitude and her actions.

Purifier: So, because of that, I have a VERY strong suspicion they aren't here for simply playing games. They must be hiding something, but laws won't let me, a teacher, intrude on private matters of students


Purifier: This is the part where you say you'll do it for me Yang

Yang: But...why would I? You said it's all suspicions right?

Purifier: Yes, suspicions that need to be investigated. Don't you want everyone to know that you didn't just brutally injure a "student" in front of millions?

Yang: I do, but what's the point of trying to-

Purifier: At tatat! Don't get sappy. It's yes or no so which one?

Yang: Well...yes

Purifier hopped up and smiled

Purifier: Perfect! Then I'll be going now. Rest easy on your...break

She left the room, leaving Yang alone once more. That is, until a little bit later where Ruby and Qrow came to see her.


Plus, there was a Raven on the windowsill.

Purifier, having done little to assist Yang and the others, was standing on the top of Beacon's highest spire, simply watching everything go by down below with a cold and calculating gaze. Cinder, as she found her name, and her nicotine squad were nowhere to be seen, and that must mean they were in their dorm.

Purifier:*sigh* Why can't things ever be simple...

She summoned Mako, who floated above her while she stood still, deep in thought about the festival.

Purifier: If things keep going the way they are, then the festival will fall to shit and the mad panic will definitely draw the Grimm. I have to find some way to quietly and easily take out Cinder and her tinderbox before she lights that fragile match...


?: I thought I would find you here

She turned around, looking into a familiar pair of red eyes.

Purifier: Raven, to what do I owe a visit?

Raven: Can't catch up with an old friend?

Purifier: By old friend, you mean the person who dragged you off and had a therapy session with you?


Raven:*sigh* Listen Purifier, I need to tell you something important

She stepped forward and stood next to the far shorter girl. Looking down at her while Purifier looked up.

Purifier: What's wrong?

Raven: Well...Oum I'm not good at this...

Before Purifier could question it, Raven knelt down and pulled her into a hug, catching her off guard.

Purifier: Uhh...what's this coming from?

Raven: It's a thank managed to genuinely convince me to come back to Yang and try my luck at being a mother. It was rocky since this is the first time we've truly met, but soon enough we saw eye to eye and...thank you so much...

Purifier returned the hug, seeing another person behind Raven, who was quite shocked to see her so vulnerable.

Purifier: Qrow, get your whisky havin' ass in the hug. I know you want to join

He wanted to protest, but just gave up and joined in.

For the first time in any many years, the Branwen twins were a family...a true family.

All thanks to a girl in speedos.


Purifier: Can you let go Raven? I need to get back to work

Raven: Alright, but I'm staying since you seem bored

Qrow: Wow, you're actually considering someone other than yourself for once

Raven: Shut it Qrow

Qrow: You know you love me Raven

Raven: Doesn't mean I need to show it to you drunkard

Purifier: And there's the sibling behavior that I should have expected

She let go of Purifier, who stood off to the side now and looked back down to the fairgrounds...still nothing dangerous.

Purifier: Well, the next game is starting soon you two, so I'd recommend getting popcorn and taking your seats. It's gonna be a good one by the looks of it

She checked her HUD, and it displayed the next group that was to fight. Another one on one, and it's scheduled for...tomorrow?

Purifier: Never mind, the game's tomorrow so you're fine

Qrow: Well? Who's the kids brawling?

Purifier It says here...

Phyrra Nikos and Penny Polendina

Here it comes boys, girls, toasters, helicopters, and whatever else you identify as.

Purifier's journey across Remnant is soon to end, and with the events of Beacon's fall coming soon, just how will our "courageous" hero prevail?

Figure it out next time, on dra-

Nah, see ya next time!

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