Terrible Two

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Kalypso: That thing...isn't that the locator?

Iowa: It is...

She turned in several directions, trying to see where the Beacon was trying to point her towards. Eventually, she found which direction it was pointing in.

Iowa: East...where could it be East of here?

Kalypso: That's out to Sea though, is it underwater?

Iowa: It can't be, I would have found it easily if so since that thing puts out an aura. Either it's located far off somewhere East...or it has just breached the human world


Kalypso: I'll warn the others, I know how important this is so go for it

Iowa: Hold it!

She grabbed Kalypso's arm as she turned to go to the church.

Kalypso: What?

Iowa:...Why exactly are you still helping? This is my worry to deal with, not yours

Kalypso: Of course it's my proble-

Iowa: No it isn't. Why are you still assisting me when this one thing is my problem to deal with? You aren't me, and you aren't the one trying to save several Universes...so why?


Kalypso: Why else other than to help someone I'm related too?

Neither of them moved, and they kept the lock on each other's eyes. The first to blink was Iowa, who let go of Kalypso's hand and turned away, facing East.

Iowa: Then...get some help, follow me, and we'll end this


She quickly ran back to the church, probably to get Kuroka to help her gather assistance against what was to come. It was the day after Ophis' death, but since it was really only her and Kalypso doing the battling, they should be more than fine enough to handle sending some help against a threat like that.

Iowa: I can't believe I'm really putting my trust in her for this. Then again, she knows of the threat of Arbiter I so she might be doing this just to not suffer any future consequences...

She shook her head

Iowa: No, never look a Gift Horse in the mouth. I'll accept her help and that'll be it, nothing more than that until later

She opened a portal, leading out to sea from Kuoh so the people won't see her flying overhead. It was easy to step through the portal and move on, but the hard part was actually finding where the Siphon could have been. The locator was good at tracking it, but if it was in someone's hands...she'll have to convince them to hand it over.

Now gliding over the sea as she once did as a shipgirl, she was steadily getting closer and closer to a location she was more than familiar with, and she dreaded the fact that the Siphon may be set there for whoever was able to find and use it.


No time to waste, she supposed.

Onwards to Hawaii

She arrived quite quickly, getting there in about twenty minutes. She didn't want to risk a teleport and blow away her cover just in case someone was watching out for magic.

With that, she kept the locator active and followed it's beeping, which slowly led her on through the Island chains. As it was sunset in Japan, it was nighttime here in Hawaii, so she had very little concern for the humans spotting her.

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