Mother and Daughter

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With the sun clearly higher in the sky, it's no surprise that Keiko had woken up already. Akagi had also awoken long before even her however, with her insomnia hitting hard again as she had a cup of coffee.

Keiko had come down the stairs, as Akagi heard when her ear flicked. When she came into the kitchen, she saw one of her mothers sitting there and immediately ran over to hug her.

"Morning mommy!"

Akagi chuckled and gently rubbed her head. "Good morning Keiko. Did you wake up nicely?"


She nodded and shook her little fox ears, before running to the fridge and grabbing herself a juice box. For a 6 year old child, she was unbelievably independent...but as the first ever Shipgirl child, let alone Siren Hybrid of the sort, some things out of the ordinary are to be expected.

Keiko also had some problems "growing up" that mostly involved how she has very little contact with the outside world. It's unhealthy for a child to be cooped up like that, but she isn't human and can easily hurt even full grown adults if she gets angry.

Akagi hated to keep her daughter here, but she didn't know what to do for her. She was still unable to control herself when it came to emotions and strength, as expected when she's young, and there isn't really a way to...

'Wait...' Her ears perked up as she looked at her daughter happily drinking juice. She blinked at her a few times before looking at the time.

It read 6:32 am, and if Remi's state was to go by, she'll be out until quite a bit later in the morning.



The little fox girl looked up to her mom, still drinking from the straw of her juice box. Akagi smiled as she pulled the Yamato up from where it rested on her lap, flicking the blade partially out of the sheathe as Keiko looked at it.

"I believe it's time you know something."

"What is it?"

Akagi took a deep breath. "It's about the Siren Hunter story you love so much."

Keiko's eyes sparkled as the words left her mouth. "What about it?! Is she real?! Is she?!"

"Yes...she is real Keiko."

Keiko was going to ask more questions, but the words died in her throat as she watched her mom's eyes turn a yellow color. "M-mom?"

"Don't worry sweetie, just showing you the truth."

She closed her golden eyes, quietly and slowly transforming into her Siren Trigger in front of Keiko's eyes. The little girl couldn't believe her eyes as she watched her mom's hair grow white, tails sprout from her back just like her own, and how her outfit burned away and changed into a more Siren like wear.

"The story you love so much Keiko, it is real...I am the Siren Hunter."


For the longest time, Keiko only stared at Akagi, who was starting to feel uncomfortable under her daughter's ever staring eyes. It didn't last much longer than that as Keiko blinked and looked into Akagi's eyes.

"Does that mean...I'm like you?!"

"We aren't sure about that, and I hope that you don't have to worry about this."

"But I want to be cool just like the story! J...just like you!"

Akagi gently bonked her on the head with the sheathe of the Yamato. While Keiko was rubbing her head from the light yet still painful hit, Akagi stood up and fully drew the Yamato.

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