Terrorists and Mermaids

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?: Alright, get it movin' people! We need this stuff out of here before any of the pigs show up!

Several faunus wearing the White fang uniform worked together to gather large crates of dust, and load them into bullheads stationed around the yard.

Standing on several crates nearby, as well as acting as sentry for any incoming police or huntsman, was the leader of the operation. He wore a white trench coat with his signature bowlers hat that easily identified him no matter where he went.

This is Roman Torchwick, the criminal mastermind of Vale.

Roman: You! How many of the bullheads are filled right now?

Member: About two of them, we still have to load the last two before we have a full load

Roman: You worked pretty fast, I think this'll go well as long as the cops don't show up

He moved back to position, keeping an eye out for anything weird that could jeopardize the little "business venture" he had with the White Fang. He didn't spot anything weird, but something definitely felt off.


Roman: Okay, trusting my gut has saved me before. What the hell is making me so jumpy?

He looked all around and tried to spot any sort of suspicious movements or objects, but still didn't see anything.

What he heard however, was a different thing.

He heard a soft humming from one of the buildings, but it quickly quieted down as more Fang members stepped out of the building.

Roman: Hey, any one of you know what that sound was?

Grunt: Yeah, Jet here though it was funny to through an ice crystal against a metal pipe

Jet: Okay admit it, the sound was pretty good

Roman: Dammit this isn't time to play around unless you want to end up in prison!

?: That's true, but how about the afterlife? That sound better?

They snapped to the voice, which they heard from the top of the warehouse near them. They saw a small girl standing there, but the lack of light only let them see her figure and the bright golden eyes she had.

Roman: A kid...can't you see this isn't exactly a place for a child?

?; Oh I know, but I'm here on business

The girl raised her hand as a large shark like machine appeared behind her, it's whole body glowing with lights that activated from head to tail.

?: I'll give you one chance to surrender, any resistance isn't going to end in bruises, but corpses...am I clear?


Roman raised his hand, a signal they choose to let them know to prepare for a fight. They readied their guns and trained them on the girl, who stood their unimpressed.

Roman: Gotta admit, I never saw a robot like that. What's your name squirt?

?: The name's Purifier, and you're Roman Torchwick

Roman: That's my name, but what's it to you?

Purifier: It's quite simple

The tubes that jutted out the machine's sides started to glow purple, as the light finally revealed Purifier's face, which was locked in a psychopathic grin.

Purifier: You're the only one living to see the sun

What the two teams knew was that whatever has started to happen at the docks must have been severe, as they both heard and saw the explosions from the distance they were at.

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