Fallen for You

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Katase: I'm home!

She closed the door behind her and took off her shoes, stepping into the house and seeing her parents sitting at the couch. Her mother, Mino Akatsu and her father Teshi Akatsu were both looking at someone sitting in front of them.

(I don't think we have any info about both her parents or last name, so I went wild with it)

Mino: Dear, come take a look at who we found out on our shopping trip!

Katase grew curious, and when she put down her school supplies and peered over her mother's shoulder, she saw a young girl sitting in the chair across from the sofa, wearing a white dress and had some sort of support around her neck that went into her dress, almost like a bikini bra strap would go.

There was also a large black flower acting as a hairpin...where did that seem familiar?

Katase: Who is she?

When her mother was about to speak, the kid cleared her throat and got their attention.

?: My name is Cecilia Kaslana, it's nice to meet you

Katase: It's nice to-, wait...did you say Kaslana?

Cecilia: I did, have you met my mommy?

Katase: Yes, we just talked a few minutes ago

Teshi: She told us that her mother tends to leave her on her own, but they were raised like that to handle being alone

Katase: How old are you anyways Cecilia?

The little girl pulled up her fingers and counted them, making both Katase and her mother swoon over the scene.

Cecilia: I'm...eight!

Katase: Eight years old?! Why are you out there alone?!

Cecilia: My mom knows I'm a big girl, she lets me go out on adventures!

Katase was tempted to go and find where the woman was, but the child hopped off her chair and looked up to her with a smile. Something about the smile seemed...malicious.

Teshi: Since her mom has things she needs to do, we were thinking about watching over her until she comes to get her

Katase: What?!

Mino: It'll be fine Katase, you'll have your own little sister for a while!

Katase: But...she someone else's kid! We can't just do that!

Cecilia: Katase...

She looked back down to the kid, who seemed an inch shorter than even Koneko, the school mascot.

Cecilia: Are you sure you can't let me stay?

Katase: No, I'm going to....find your...your...

The child smiled as she stared into Katase's eyes, her golden eyes finally showing a new glint as her eyes glowed.

The child smiled as she stared into Katase's eyes, her golden eyes finally showing a new glint as her eyes glowed

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